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  1. I have to say thanks for the support. But even more so for your motto. My gf sings the night cheese song every time we are buzzed and she needs a late night snack. Awesome reference!
  2. This explains everything. And it's a pathetic attempt to gain pity when the commentator was being figurative, not literal. Take your pity party somewhere else.
  3. See this is one of the spots where the hate gets weird. Nobody wanted to see Arya in a remotely sexual situation. Not the writer, not the producers and (hopefully) no one on this board. So what do the oft hated D&D do? They create a situation that avoids putting Arya in a sexual situation, but still finds a believable way to get her in the room. So if they put characters in sexual situations that people don't like they are terrible hacks and if they deliberately avoid putting a beloved character in a sexual situation then they are terrible hacks. I have never seen so many illogical irrational haters in one place at one time. A few other little things. Varys showing up was sudden but a man with a vast network of spies across two continents could probably find someone to sneak him in the back door. Oberyn established last year that bastards are considered family in Dorne which is different than the rest of the realm. Pay attention Joncon you troll. I agree with the person who said it's not a documentary. We don't need to see exactly how TyrJorio got out of the pit. The things I think were kinda wacky... The odds of Brienne finding Stannis in that battle are pretty thin but it did serve the story and trying to explain it would be a waste of time. I understand that the Dragon's horse bones and the thousands of horse prints will show that something happened there...but to me the most far fetched thing is that someone is going to find that tiny ring in that giant field. And yet, they are avoiding plot holes by setting this up for next season. It's almost like these guys are professional story tellers who know what they are doing. If only this show was an international phenomenon we could judge whether or not they are competent in their craft... oh.... wait...
  4. Is this board the only thing in your life that makes you feel important? Your excessive attention to something you hate is really pathetic.
  5. I'm sure someone has addressed this but I am not sifting through 25 more pages to check. Stannis lost half of his men and all of his horses. Calvary defeats infantry in any war ever. Ramsay did not defeat Stannis. Stannis defeated Stannis when he burned Shireen and lost his men's loyalty. Stannis was a great commander, not a god.
  6. Here here!!! People need to get over themselves. Nobody is perfect but this is actually a pretty competent adaptation of some incredibly unruly source material. They may have made decisions that are different than what you or I would have made. But they are highly paid and qualified professionals. We are a bunch of dipshits with laptops. The two biggest decisions that have pissed people off (Shireen and Sanssa) have had substantial repercussions. The adaptation is done well.
  7. You are a joke and you have way to much time on your hands. I can't imagine having such a pointless life that I would invest so much time in showing up here every week to spew my pointless and overly dramatic assessment of something I claim to hate. Books are different medium than television. Get over it. GOT is no more perfect than any other show and far less flawed than most. It is the third most popular thing on cable besides Walking Dead and Monday night football. It is not dying any time soon despite your childish attempt to be coy by documenting the death of your friend. If you don't like the show then stop watching. I seriously doubt you are a professional writer or producer and I am sure nobody is offering you millions of dollars to produce your perfect vision of an adaptation of such massive work. The show has streamlined some things effectively and made questionable choices in other places. But if you hate it so much, stop trying to get attention and just stop. Every week? Don't you have something better to do? Go away with this nonsense. Seriously.
  8. Wrong. Ned would have stood up for Stannis because Stannis is Robert's rightful heir. Pure and simple. No question.
  9. A few thoughts... Everyone who is asking who the guy in the boat is... I think it's pretty obvious. It's Booker Dewitt. He doesn't row. (hopefully a few of you will get this) The two major winks to the book reading audience... "he always comes back" and the cat that runs by Arya as she tells her story. The purpose of the first seems obvious. I think the purpose of the second is for the writers to tell the audience that they know what the name should be but they changed it for a reason. What could that reason be? I'm hoping (perhaps hopelessly) that that the avoidance of the name "Cat" along with the title of the last episode, "Mother Mercy", may indicate the return of a character we have all been waiting for by the end of the season. This ship has probably sailed but maybe...just maybe... Idea on the White Walker's swimming ability... when the walker that Jon kills walks into the tent the fire does seem to part for him. On re-watch I noticed that he seemed to emanate a mist of cold that pushed the fire away. Perhaps if they entered the water the water would freeze around them making entering the water a bad idea. Why he didn't send all the zombies in remains unclear. Perhaps without flesh they would just sink... but some still have flesh soooo.... "Wun Wun...to the sea!" - Loved this and everything about Wun Wun. Anyone notice the slow, symphonic version of Castamere playing while Cersi sucked water off the floor - brilliant. Moving forward with Arya... I think the desire or the attempt to kill Trant will be what forces her to leave the Faceless Men. Arya would want to kill Trant. No one would not. Everyone has the right to spend their time as they please but why waste your time with something you claim to hate. To paraphrase Henry Rollins... when you hate something you give it to much of yourself. Don't hate it just leave it alone. It's like if someone wants to hand you a giant pile of crap... you don't have to take it. The books are great. The show is great too. They are different mediums and the stories must be told in different ways. The writers have made some questionable decisions (too much rape...Valyrian stone???) but those are no more questionable than GRRM deciding to over-expand the story and bring in entirely new characters and plotlines. There is no perfect storytelling (Patrick Rothfuss maybe...) but we are in a great time for entertainment. It would be nice if folks could just relax and enjoy. This might have been my favorite ep pf the series.
  10. On re watch... I love how Bolton tells Frey that Robb ignored his advice at every turn and should have been less arrogant, right after Frey ignores Boltons warning about the danger of the Blackfish escaping. Bolton is playing at a higher level. I hope this is foreshadowing! I tried to post this earlier but it got lost. I think there is a big problem with Brienne being in KL and Sansa still being there as well. Brienne will want to fulfill the mission of returning Sansa to the North, even if she knows that Caetlyn is dead. This could cause problems...
  11. Ok. Horribly shocked and bummed that they did not end with the Lady Stoneheart scene, but otherwise loved the ep; that is, except the Dany ending which was lame by comparison. I just hope this doesn't mean that they are skipping Lady Stoneheart. And where the fuck is Cold Hands? If Cold hands is Benjen then won't that be important? However, I guess he could just meet up with Bran and crew later... The biggest thing I take away is that I loved the way they have handled Arya's story arch as far as making it something the show watchers cane get behind and believe. The scene with Arya seeing Grey Wind's head on top of Robb's body was, in my opinion, the most powerful of the episode. And then, when they first have her actually kill someone on purpose it's these Frey assholes making jokes about murdering her brother. After everything she has seen and been through and after everything the audience has been through, not only do we accept such a young girl killing in cold blood but we root for her because shit, somebody's gotta get some righteous motherfucking Stark vengeance! I miss the weasel soup and the kill to escape from Harrnehal but I have to say I really think they have done a great job setting up where Arya's character is going. And I love that they used the coin dropping trick from the aforementioned escape. I cannot wait for more Arya and the hound next season!
  12. The whole point of Lady Stoneheart is to avenge the Starks and the North in General. Talisia 1)does not exist in the books 2)was married to one stark for five minutes and doesn't know any others 3) Is from Volantis 4) Was disliked by Robb's bannermen. The brotherhood would not know her, she would have no cause for righteous vengeance and no ties to the Jamie and Brienne story. There will be no un-Talisa. Just stop it. Michelle's interview says nothing that indicates she will not be back as Stoneheart. Stoneheart is essential to Stark vengeance... it has to be her. The next episode is called Mysha- which means mother (show Robbs last word). It would make no sense for viewers if Stoneheart appears at the end of next season. In the unsullied minds she would have been rotting for a year. Lady Stoneheart will appear at the end of the next episode.
  13. I tried to write about some of this earlier but the boards were jammed and it got lost.... Hopefully not this time. A couple of things.... I know there was no establishment of Robb warging, but book readers have always assumed that this is because we don't get Robb POV. That being said, I still though the last shot of Grey Wind's eyes closing could have been Robb seeing Arya. I thought it was a cool idea whoever suggested that Robb's last word could have been Arya.... cool, but it wouldn't have worked.... I have thought for a long time that this season would end with the Lady Stoneheart reveal. When someone mentioned that "Mysha" means mother.... I was sure of it. As a historian I have to chime in on the whole honor and mercy versus betrayal and ruthlessness debate.... STALIN- Stalin betrayed the leaders of his party. Murdered his comrades and his citizens. He put people in labor camps, exiled and wrongfully imprisoned them. He did this on a scale that led to the death of millions. In the process he developed an extremely effective army and a productive economy that produced the T-34 tanks and mobilized the manpower that won WWII and saved the world from fascism. Honor is good but I guess ruthlessness can save the day too. Depends on your view of the so called "greater good". Great episode. Nothing really worth nitpicking unless I am refusing to understand what an adaptation is.
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