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Everything posted by Shienberg

  1. True. It's called foreshadowing. If you watched Lost you'll remember how we heard about the "others" for a full season before we saw them. There's about a billion other examples... They're intentionally creating mystery to keep people coming back for answers.
  2. Yes! Wishful thinking I guess but I thought I was the only one...
  3. I totally agree with your concern about losing non book viewers as the plot gets more and more expansive. Especially when you get to Feast and Dance and there is massive amounts of story that doesn't involve Jon/Dany/Arya/Sana/Tyrion. I agree that they stumble sometimes trying to re-interpret such a massive story... But we should all remember that this is still by far the best show on tv...
  4. I think one thing that people are forgetting when they say "lowly sentries wouldn't know..." is that everyone in the realm is pledged to a lord. Their lords are their only "celebrities" and they all serve someone and have nothing to do in their downtime except bang, drink and gossip. Basicly if anyone from house Lannister ever had a drink with anyonr from house Tyrell or Baratheon, they might learn the truth.
  5. Varys isn't just hangin around for his good looks and charm. This kinda thing is his job.
  6. Without a doubt the best episode of the season so far... and I think it will only get better. When I first started reading Theon chapters in ACOK I had to go back and remind myself who he was. Then by the time we get through ADWD his arc is one of my favorites (same with Jamie, I love the way GRRM can shift your opinion of characters). I am loving Theon in the show! I think the non book audience will have a hard time hating him because they have grown to sympathize with him. However it all depends on how long they are led to believe that Bran and Rickon are dead. You think they could leave that as a season cliffhanger. That would be cruel however I think it unlikely. Speaking of Bran I LOVE they way they are handling the Bran/Summer warging. However I still don't see how they will handle his story line without the Reeds. If Osha goes with Bran then who goes with Rickon? Also the Reeds are the ones who teach Bran about the Children of the forest. And of course if we don't get the Reed children will that mean no Howland (assuming Howland will be written into the story at some point)? Is there any hope that there will be Reeds? Brienne! Awesome! Can't wait for her and Jamie's journey. Sansa's story on the show is one I find much more interesting than in the book. The actress does a great job of making you care about the horrible situation she is in. And she hasn't even been forced to marry a dwarf yet. I don't love Shae but she doesn't really bother me either. For those that hate her it will just be that much more satisfying when Tyrion chokes her out. And as great as everything else was Tyrion and Ayra still own this story. Im concerned for the later books when Arya's chapters get so few and far between. But that's a ways away. Can't wait for Arya and the Hound. I also enjoyed the scene with Arya and Yoren although I do prefer the book where Arya makes up her murderous prayer on her own, but it was a cool moment and worked for TV. Now when she starts listing names as she goes to bed the audience won't need an explanation. And Tyrion.... I see more awards in Peter Dinklage's future. Sniffing out Pycell, cutting off the beard and Shagga with an Axe. Oh and I almost forgot, I agree with those who enjoyed seeing the kinder gentler side of Lannister children. Especially Tommen. Bring on Ser Pounce!
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