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Everything posted by Arataniello

  1. I am so fucking pumped right now. And now there is the Penny Dreadful premiere.
  2. You will probably have to be more specific about to what in particular you are referring.
  3. Enjoyed the twists of Varys popping up in Meereen and Ellaria's poisoned kiss. Anya's scenes were great. Sam started for Oldtown - apparently he is going to drive all the way, alone, through the winter. Cerise's walk of shame was pretty much spot on. Everything else was sheer flapdoodle.
  4. Rather a lame finale really. The cliffhangers are the same as at the end of book 4 really - one for Brienne and one for Jon. D+D couldn't get away from a big "Dany with crowd" scene, as in previous series.
  5. Some of the full body shots definitely look like its Lena's head superimposed on someone else's body.
  6. This is about the first time they have got a scene right - just like I imagine it in the book.
  7. I don't think that Stannis is dead. We didn't see hime die.
  8. I expect a vast meltdown, vaster than anything since the start of the floob-pocalypse, of the internet in approximately 40 minutes at the end of this particular episode.
  9. [mod] The discussion should be about the Mercy chapter. Please try to avoid thread 'drift'. [/mod]
  10. Slate magazine reports on the controversial scene http://www.slate.com/blogs/xx_factor/2014/04/21/game_of_thrones_rape_director_alex_graves_says_the_sex_becomes_consensual.html
  11. GRRM discussing the sex scene twixt Jaime and Cersei http://www.darkhorizons.com/news/31776/-thrones-author-on-controversial-rape-scene
  12. I have just seen that the actor playing Pod is the son of the actor who played Rodrick Cassel.
  13. I reread it last night myself after the episode. Cersei seems to be as eager/desperate as Jaime in the books, but is quick to point out to him afterwards how foolish it was.
  14. Depending on how the battle at the Wall is handled, there is still time to introduce Dalla and Val, if Jon goes to Mance's tent right before the wildlings are attacked. I need to reread this bit of the series, my memory is hazy on the timing of these events.
  15. I guess Gilly in Mole Town will allow for some Dramatic Tension later on, when the wildling are approaching Castle Black from the South. Possibly Sam rides south to defend her/rescue her, and fat pink mastage ensues at that point?
  16. In Bran's tree vision last week, we saw brief glimpse of a horse. Am thinking that it was Coldhand's mount.
  17. GRRM comments on the episode, as reported by Dark Horizons http://www.darkhorizons.com/news/31672/-game-of-thrones-author-talks-purple-wedding NB - GRRM talks in terms of the books - referring to Joffrey as "a thirteen year old".
  18. This is really stretching the bounds of what could constitute an homage. Just about the only similarity between the two events was the mention of poison in both cases.
  19. And a major strand in Brienne's storyline is the finding and recovering the Stark daughters - through both B's own oaths to Lady Stoneheart, and B's mission given to her by Jaime along with her sword.
  20. I would love Barristan to continue as a PoV character. However, we know that GRRM brought him in to cut through the Meereenese knot, providing a narrative viewpoint in Meereen while Dany is out of the city. Based on this, he has to be seen as a superfluous PoV when the other PoV characters start coming together in the last books in the series.
  21. Tirion was the Elven city in Valinor. Lorien was originally a garden in Valinor. I think you are conflating several different things.
  22. Sounds like The Star King, which is the first in the Demon Princes series by Jack V.
  23. Rereading Mary Gentle's 'Golden Witchbreed' this weekend, and one of the Desert Cities on Orthe is Quarth. The plot never goes there though, so it's impossible (and unlikely) that there are any similarities between that and Qarth in aSoIaF. The name itself though is almost identical.
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