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Grizzly Mormont

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Everything posted by Grizzly Mormont

  1. Hah, seriously, almost ever character in Dorne has had a in-show explanation for why the Dorne plot doesn't make sense. It's pretty funny.
  2. Take away shireen and drogon and what is in this episode? Very close to nothing. Several minutes of mindless retard girls playing slap hands... Several minutes of meryn fucking trant being a pedo, wtf... The episode, like this season, is garbage.
  3. Me too. It's hard to believe episode 8 was real. A lovely gem gleaming in a hot pile of moist, human feces.
  4. Hah! That fucking dude admits outright that he doesn't understand the characters. Obviously. That explains why the butchered every character.
  5. what did cersei say immediately after this line?
  6. Yeah I agree with most of this. Ep 1 set things up well. So, 1, 7 and 8. But 2-6 should have been edited down to 2, maybe 3, episodes, with no drone and much less Rambrienne. Below average quality from this show is less than satisfactory though after 4 season with zero shitty episodes.
  7. So the tally for this season is: 6 garbage episodes, 1 decent episode, and one great episode. I don't think this "redeems the season" but I'm glad to see them back on track with episodes that measure up to the quality we are used to.
  8. One of things I learned very quickly in self-importantville was that there are a lot of people in self-importantville who are more self-important than I am; but on a good day when I am very very lucky I am more self important than they are or at least on par with their self-importance.
  9. Damn. That was amazing. Finally. Lena Headey was pretty fucking awesome. Arya finally did something. Tyrion and Dany is fun. Holy shit zombies.
  10. Are you referring to the one that rolled her eyes? Cuz that was the only decent acting there. Amazing tits though.
  11. Loras would have single handledly murdered every sparrow in that arrest scene.
  12. the best way to broker a deal, in my experience, is to senselessly murder 4 people who work for the person i want to broker a deal with.
  13. I'll limit it to season 5. And ask you to explain things one by one. Why couldn't Brienne just leave that inn calmly? Explain to me how it makes sense for her to make a Terminator exit, and why she had to kill those vale knights?
  14. Don't be silly, and stop assuming things about me. I've loved... LOVED every season so far. This season has been idiotic. It frequently disregards, as I said, logic, continuity, and the need to make sense. I merely used 1 example illustratively. There are a numerous examples this season. P.S. Christopher Nolan is a garbage director. He gives no shit about his movies making sense. How fucking hilarious that you should pick him as an example.
  15. Really? Where did Sam get that letter about Dany. Did the NW send Anderson Cooper into the field to report on what's going on in Meereen?
  16. It's much easier, I presume, when you aren't bound by pesky notions like 'continuity,' 'logic,' or 'fuckin making sense.'
  17. AFFC is probably the most enjoyable book on second read, though I absolutely hated it the first time I read it.
  18. was Sam reading that news of Dany off of his iPad?
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