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Fragile Bird

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Everything posted by Fragile Bird

  1. Again, what's with the sympathetic Cersei. She was a friggin B***H in the book, not a sympathetic, fond mother. That is big time disappointing.
  2. Yes, the doll scene was good, but they dropped the rest of the scene. WTF.
  3. I thought, this scene with San San will be better than the book, but they dropped the ball. Big time.
  4. Sandor - not so drunk as in the book, Better speech, I think. "You won't hurt me." Oh fuck. No song. No hope for an imagined kiss. Oh fuck. They fucked the scene.
  5. "Those are brave men knocking at our door . . . lets go kill them!"
  6. I hear shouts, where's the king . . . .and there's Pod! Yeah!
  7. Nasty scene with Sandor, Joffrey and Tyrion, more telling than in the book
  8. Oh, nice look on Sandor's face when he saw the burning soldier!
  9. Lol, good place for a first post, welcome to Westerros sk888888!
  10. Agreed - now we see why there was no chain. And Cersei drinking to her mother. LOL!
  11. The prisoners came from the battle Roose Bolton had backed off from, trying to cross the river down from Riverrun. Vargo Hoat brought them to Harrenhall, after Tywin Lannister left. The prisoners included Robert Glover. Vargo Hoat then switched sides, and shortly after Roose Bolton showed up and took over Harrenhall. ETA: The important matter is that after weasel soup, Arya sees Jaquen change face, and asks him to teach her. He tells her she would have to come with him she won't, so he gives her the coin and teaches her the words, valor morghulis.
  12. Weasel soup was the third death Arya asked for. Unlike the HBO episode, Arya gets Northern prisoners freed, who in turn take over Harrenhall. Soup is cooked for the guards, and the boiling soup is used as a weapon. She then gets chosen as Roose Bolton's cup-bearer, as opposed to the strange plot device of her being Tywin Lannister's cupbearer.
  13. All and all, a pretty sad episode, considering where all the characters are headed off to. They could have called it, The Forks in the Road.
  14. I wish I had violaceous eys, like the ones Grumpkin Ahai used to sing about. Mine are only dark brown.

  15. Welcome to Westeros, Lemoncurd, first post! I'd have to look at the cast list, but I think they're different.
  16. Welcome to everyone, and have fun posting, and most of all, keep your sense of humour! My advice to you kingduck, and everyone else, is to stay away from the General Forum until you have read all five books. There are spoilers even in thread titles. Right now stick to the AGOT forum, because you've read it, and start dipping into the others as your reading proceeds. That way you won't accidentally disappoint yourself. And I love your avatar! :P
  17. @ Rockroi Great summary of the episode! What is it with that stupid dress Margaery wears? Gag me with a spoon, puhlease! Arya and Gendry have chemistry. This Asha is not a commander I would follow, she's too insipid. Her costume is fine, it's not like she's too grey, lol, there's just no joy in her. You have to have a spark of fire to make people stand up and say they will follow you. Harry Potter taught me the painful lesson that changes will be made between the transfer from book to screen, but some of the changes are startling. So far they haven't been horrible, but even though it's very well acted, I hate the whole Arya as female cupbearer to Tywin. And I wasn't crazy about Brienne killing the members of the Rainbow Guard, it changes Loras' character, and I can't see the honourable Brienne doing that. She's just like any other knight reacting to act this way, and she was supposed to be someone better.
  18. Am I imagining things or what - Sandor's white cloak wasn't exactly the snowy white always described in the books. I mean, they're supposed to be dressed with white cloaks, not greyish-beigeish cloaks.
  19. I wish I had violaceous eyes, like the ones Ndrew of Typhgarian sings about. Mine are only dark brown.

  20. I wish I had violaceous eyes

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