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Everything posted by RhaenysBee

  1. I gave it a 7 and I was understanding and generous. - it is absolutely unforgivable that I have to shade my windows, turn off the lights, cover the screen from both sides and still squint for over half a minute to have a clue what is going on in a scene. - Why has every single female lead turned into a version of Cersei Lannister? - There were lots of fillers and redundant scenes, and weirdly some of them worked much better than scenes with actual importance and plot value. - The costume department did one thing and only one thing right this season, Euron Greyjoy. THANK YOU. - Ed Sheeran and Arya were the high point of the episode. - The Intern Life at the Citadel sequence could have been the second best sequence of the episode if only the snaps were the same length or gradually shortened and then lengthened back. - If you aren't going to have dialogue in scene, which was a good idea, btw, you need to level up acting and camera work. - the episode basically consisted of three elements: proposition, filler and aggressive characterization.
  2. Well it was actually kinda cool for something that made little and less sense. Common sense is officially out of the window, I suppose, but I guess they've given up of such lowly boundaries as logic around the middle of season 5. The first twenty minutes were insane, again, aesthetic orgasm. The High Sparrow proved himself a zealous fuck one last time and Margaery died Margaery. Good god, RIP Margaery. She was the last cool character. but the high sparrow died too!!! Yay. I have new favorites to loath, though, so it's fine. That Maester in Old Town seems like an awful piece of shit. Sam was adorable though, and Gilly's non-walking and non-talking baby is at least the size of a toddler now. Mel vs Davos was a cool scene, Jon made a very Ned Stark decision. So Sansa isn't Cersei Stark, she is just baaaaad writing? Or is she still playing Jon? She makes no sense. Nor does Littlefinger. Arya killed Walder Frey. Shocker. Freypies though... I hope everybody who wanted pies are very happy now. Bran made no sense. Jon reveal was kinda non-existent and as underwhelming as it gets. What a waste of hype. At least I didn't have high expectations anymore. Was it me and my laptop and English listening skills or we were not supposed to hear what Lyanna whispered to Ned? Because I didn't hear anything and it was pretty cruel trolling. Daenerys broke up with Daario. What a pathetic idea. Tyrion sucks up to Daenerys. What a pathetic idea. Daenerys names Tyrion hand of the Queen. I guess he was really happy about it, so okay... Very underwhelming acting on both Peter and Emilia's part. So... House Tyrell wants revenge against The Lannisters...? Meaning that one who blew up House Tyrell? Because there isn't really another left. Well Jaime. And House Sandsnake wants revenge against whom? For what? Justice... What about justice for killing off House Martell? At least someone shut up the Sandsnakes. Back to the North. The north remembers. The north knows only one King whose name is Stark. And it doesn't matter if his name isn't Stark! JON SNOW for King in the North. Because the rules of succession matters as little in the north as it does in the south. I really don't know why Hot Pie isn't sitting the iron throne yet. Back to KL. So Cersei is the queen of Westeros now...? I guess the stupidity of the people of KL are only trying to mirror the stupidity of people in our world. People are sometimes offensively stupid. Well, we are in for another glorious season of Cersei... I hope Jaime valonquars her quickly but since Davos took 10 episodes to find out about Shireen's death it's only fair that Lena Headey will be kept around for season 8 too. And Daenerys sails from Meereen with a huge armada and her dragons are flying over the ships and there are dragon sails everywhere and it looks awesome and it should have happened 5, but at least 3 seasons/books ago. The visuals were great though. You know what this episode reminded me of? The pizza challenge. Throwing random toppings on a pizza that are all very delicious separately doesn't automatically make the pizza delicious too. I love bananas and soy sauce and pickles and Nutella and spinach, but that doesn't make a Banana-soy sauce-pickles-Nutella-spinach pizza delicious. I don't know... A part of me wants to rate the up, but the other part can't find enough reasons. Well the first fifteen-twenty minutes were really great. And I liked when Sansa said winter has come. And the golden dragon on Daenerys's ship was very pretty. Davos and Mel's fight was good too. And... And... Jaime and Walder had an exchange that made sense. And... Gee, that's still only like 5... The first twenty minutes gets 2 points, that's 6 then. Ummm... Sam was sweet. And... everybody is coming back to Westeros... 8. Well... The visuals WERE great. I really can't work this up any higher. 9/10 and I was as generous as it gets.
  3. Camera work, editing, directing: 13 Writing: 6 Acting: 8 Meereen: 9,5 North: 7,5 Final score: 9/10 The director and the editor need an award right now. I am convinced I would have written a better script. Yes, that's obnoxious, but I dont care. Everything about the battle and its aftermath was a cliché. I mean if it wasn't for the director, the editor and Iwan Rheon, the North would have been lost. Let's see. Meereen: strong writing with a couple rocky bits here and there. Tyrion and Daenerys's dialogue was okay, the negotiation with the masters was pretty good, I liked the dialogue and of course, Drogon is my sweetheart. Good to see that Daenerys can finally control the dragons and she uses them. And the Dothraki are back, oh man, finally the show is being as epic as it's supposed to be. Tyrion was amazing too. The problem area was the dragon attack... Do you need all free dragons and multiple rounds of fire spitting to bring down ONE ship? Will the rest of the ships not shoot at your dragons in the meantime? The dragons should be much much MUCH bigger. In my mind, one shot of dragon fire should be enough to take out at least three (if not more) ships at a time. If taking out one ship is teamwork for three dragons, how the heck did they bring down Harrenhal? I'm expecting them to be fucking massive by the time Daenerys lands in Westeros. And I think Emilia is overdoing Daenerys's self confidence and I think the director should tone it down a little. Then the Greyjoys which was surprisingly pleasant I fucking hate the Greyjoys but this was good stuff. I loved Yara and I loved the bad fathers left the world worse than they found but we will leave it better than we found. Loved how Daenerys shook hands with her. I have a feeling that they will try to fuck her over though, because I don't see Yara turning the ironborn from reaping and pillaging, and I don't see her turning from that either. Meereen was really good. The North: There was not one moment when I didn't want to bitch slap Sansa. Jon was a disgrace as a leader, a strategist and a person. But at least we can't complain about the lack of change in his character. Kit was not as bad as usually, he was almost good a couple times. Davos was cute. Tormund was amazing and the Kristofer delivered the best acting after Iwan and Peter. Wun Wun had a beautiful death, that was the only good part about the north script. It was just too beautiful. The rest of the plot was pretty damn predictable, but bowdown to the editor who still managed to inject tension into the scenes. After the riders of Rohan, Eomer, Gandalf and the Eaglas arrived poor editor didn't really get a chance to shine anymore because they started talking again. In fact the north was mostly okay when everybody shut up and fought and let the editor shine. The problem was not necessarily even talking, because Ramsay was instanely good and Tormund and Davos's little exchange was great. The problem was mostly Sansa and Jon opening their mouths. Did I hear Rickon and crypts? Seven save us all... The Visuals with Captial V: Just how much more beautiful could ANYTHING have been? Just the first ten seconds were drop dead amazing shots with amazing editing. Dragon CGI, beautiful. Riding through the men, beautiful shots. Ramsay and the rope, beautiful shots. Jon riding/Rickon running/Ramsay shooting, amazing cutting, so much tension. Death and the dying, insanely beautiful shots, so horrible, so powerful, so moving. The Dothraki charge was insane too. And the Knights of the Vale riding into the shield wall. Bowdown to all the stunt riders. That shit was not easy. And so the aesthetic orgasm saved the episode. Is there anything else to mention...? Yes. See I have dogs too. My dogs eat too. And they don't bark when they eat. Because it's quite difficult with their months full and occupied. They growl at each other when they share food and you can hear the sound of chewing and ripping, but they never barking. Dogs don't bark while they are eating.
  4. Yeah... This was definitely the weakest episode of the entire season. It was 70% filler 25% bullshit and 5% badly written plot progress. The one reason I gave it 3 instead of 1 is the master level of trolling. I mean one just doesn't get better at trolling the audience than D&D. It is poetic. It is an art they have perfected. Master of Ships, Master of Whispers, Master of Coin, get off it. Master of Trolling. After my initial what the fuck was that reaction all I could do was laugh for half an hour. The episode title makes all the sense now. Who gets epic faith militant slaughter by FrankenGregor? No one. Who gets Cleganebowl? No one. Who gets Mountain vs anybody? No one. Who gets LHS? No one. Who gets epic Jaime vs Brienne combat? No one. Who gets a Tully army to get back Winterfell? No one. Who gets an epic Blackfish fight? No one. Who gets an Arya is not Arya twist? No one. Who gets Syrio Forel? No one. Who gets epic duel between Arya and the Waif? No one. Who gets fight club Arya? No one. Who gets Ironfleet? No one. Who is right about their guesses? No one. Who can write a screenplay? No one.
  5. 3. I mean what the fuck was that? By far the weakest episode of season 6, imo. It was boring and ridiculous. Queen of Thornes was good and I'm glad that Margaery is only playing everyone. But all the chit-chat with the HS is boring as hell, the HS ordering Margaery to share Tommen's bed and the idea that Tommen goes with that issue to the HS are both beyond ridiculous. Cersei is a waste of screen time, she does and says nothing. Riverrun was boring, the Jaime Blackfish scene was flat and dull, neither Jaime nor the Blackfish got to shine. It was so boring even Bronn failed to shine. Glad to see Bronn exists though. And I mean did we honestly have to waste some ten minutes for septon meribald and company just so they could all die? Yes, the hound is back, we get it, surprise, surprise... And it just comes to my mind, was that mustard cloaked dude supposed to be Lem Lemoncloak? Such a waste of time. And Jon and Sansa... For fuck's sake, can they look more ridiculous? A bloody ten-year-old calling them out on shit... Jon the poor broken man no.3 is lamer than hot pie. It must truly be tiring to die, but it didn't seem to bother lord Beric to have a voice, and even Theon fucking Greyjoy, broken man numero2 has more spirit than Jon. And Sansa didn't even do anything, she just stood there. So yeah, little miss assertive tells them to take a hike, but ser Davos saves the day after the two idiots fail to compose an offer, because he is good with kids because he was a fan of Shireen. I mean come on. And then Glover rejects because he won't fight with wildlings and house stark is dead. Does he argue that Sansa is a Bolton? Does Jon explain the bigger picture? Do they tell him about Rickon? So all Sansa was there for was to remind Glover of his allegiance and when he said that allegiance doesn't exist because the Starks are dead, she just said Oh well okay then... BLOODY HELL that was the worst writing ever. And it's not over yet. They go back to the camp and she is back at bitching about how they need more men and criticizing Davos. GIRLFRIEND, did you help convince anybody to give men? Did you do half as much as Davos? All you do is bitch about what others should do and then act behind their back. Davos is a battle seasoned man with good judgement who's been advising a king for half his life, he is straight with Jon. Sansa is a secretive, stupid and bitches about everything. So who should be his most trusted conselor? Sansa? Littlefinger? God, I want to bitch slap Sansa so hard. She was totally fine from season 2 to 5 and now she is back at it again with this full force Cersei attitude. Yara and Theon... Drink! Right, because ale will fix the shit he's been through... And if it does, that's just fucked up writing. And since when is Asha gay? Arya... First I thought the old woman with the cart was pyat pree. At least I was half prepared for what was coming. So what now? Game over? Where is a girl's caution? Where did a girl put his mind? Will the girl die alone in the streets? Will the girl magically warg into her direwolf? Will the girl honestly have the lamest and most unworthy death on the show? A girl's overconfidence is her weakness. (I'm warning you Sansa) Yes, my expectations were probably too high, but this was just pathetic. I should say something positive too. Queen of Thornes was one. The other was the (not so) subtle foreshadowing. And last bit of rant: why the fuck did Edmure Tully not die? I want death. Not oh s/he'll come back anyways death. Real death. Lots of death. Heads. Spikes. Start closing the bloody storylines already!
  6. 8/10. It was insanely cool and insanely cute after last week's fiasco. (Yes I know, the common opinion was that last week's episode was insanely cool, but I thought it sucked and that's why I refer to it as a fiasco) I see where they are going with the episode title, but I'm still not 100% sure about the structure of the episode. It just didn't build up. That's why I deducted 1,5 points. And another 0,5 for those couple boring bits. Benjen returns, hurray hurray... Quite boring and pretty unnecessary if you ask me. (His overhyped return... I mean who CARES about Benjen after six years?) The Mad King wasn't mad enough for my taste but it was still cool to see him. I am however growing more and more concerned about a certain ToJ scene... Maybe it will be for the best if we don't get to see Rhaegar after all. Sam and Gilly were sooooooo cuuuuuute, oh my god, all the emotions. So sweet, so tense, so lovely. The Tarly family casting was 100% on point. His mom, oh my goodness, she was so lovely and his sister was prototypically silly and innocent in the adorable sense of the world. Dickon was quite a dick, which is to be expected, but still nicely caught in the middle. All the Hornhill scenes were perfectly adorable and made such a beautiful parallel/contrast to Tyrion/Tywin relationship and Lannister family bonds. Gilly was a sweetheart when she gave that pep talk to Sam. And I was so so so proud of Sam when he decided to be a man. It was just amazing. And little Sam isn't an infant anymore! Bravos... When I first saw the troup I was like not again... But there was so much meaning in that scene this time. So many layers and dimensions. Basically every single word and gesture was on point. And Finally Needle! I hope Arya pierces the Waif with it. Bran again, boring boring boring boring. The only good thing about Bran is getting flashbacks. KL! I am hoping that Margaery is only playing at being brainwashed. Because so far it seems that she wasn't the one to outplay and manipulate everyone to her will. I loved how Jaime and the Tyrell army marched up to the stairs and demanded Margaery's release. And I loved the king Robert music and the camera work when Tommen walked out with the King's guard. And poor Jaime... Honestly, Tommen is a shame. If Tyrion or Tywin were still around this would have never happened. If Varys and Littlefinger were still around they would have known. HOW did nobody know? How did nobody stop this? HOW could this happen to the Iron Throne? Jaime dismissed? The high sparrow ruling KL? It is insane. I want the hypocrite old fart's fanatic head chopped off. I don't even remember the last time I wanted someone to die so bad. I am in shock. How could they let this happen? What a scene...! Drogoooooon! Omg Daenerys was actually riding Drogon! Omg just how epic that (would have been with a proper build up, but still kinda) was? I still think Drogon should be larger though. I know cgi is expensive but does it really make a difference? Is this his full size? Or is he still growing? Because his skull is most definitely not the size of a cart just yet. And I want a massive dragon. Like and GIANT massive fire breathing dragon that's so big it barely fits the screen. I also got a momentary deja vu. Daenerys's white horse probably had the same vanishing powder sprinkled over her as Aragorn and co's horses at the black gate. Gotta love vanishing horses. I liked this episode a lot. Very good writing. Wait, there was Walder Frey and Cersei too. Walder Frey was quite necessary, but Cersei was pretty boring and she doesn't make any sense this season. I will take that back if she takes out the high sparrow or burns KL.
  7. Because they never remember to reread their previous scripts or rewatch their previous seasons. I never read my papers before submitting them either, but I don't make millions of dollars through them, nor do I have a world wide audience... Thank you. this is the absolute worst that could happen to the plot. if Bran messes around in the past and we find out that he is responsible for stuff in the present, it's basically a Harry Potter woke up in the cupboard under the stairs level end game. Luckily that didn't happen either, so maybe Martin is better than that too, but the possibility itself is bad enough. War and politics don't happen because some stupid cripple boy manipulates the past. If Bran had anything to do with Jon, Daenerys, the Mad King or Robert, I'm officially out. It would be a sad destruction of an otherwise epic story.
  8. 4/10 everything that wasn't Hodor was pretty much ridiculous. It felt like I was watching a different show. Littlefinger is a joke, he orbs between the north and the vale like a bloody white lighter, he has no connection to the crown, to the Boltons, to Dorne,to Daenerys, to Jon and the good North, he is a big fat nobody who may or may not have influence over the little boy who poses as the lord of the Vale. Why exactly did she not have him killed on the spot? The kingsmoot. I hate the ironborn so bad there are no words for it. Euron looks ridiculous, like a fatter version of Theon, one of the worst castings. And for god's sake the dude is elected King and the next minute half his fleet is stolen and nobody says shit? The king who lost the north, the king who lost his fleet? Make me a thousand ships, from what, dude, you live on a fooking rock. Daenerys... Was Emilia Clarke hungover in that scene? Was that even her? everything was off. Where is she going with the Dothraki? Where the fuck is Drogon? And Tyrion, for fuck's sake WHY does Meereen need a red priestess? Because a spy master, the supposedly smartest man alive, a translator of 19 languages and an army commander aren't enough to figure out how to sell the peace they made? How the fucking fuck will a red priestess serve Daenerys's cause? And Bravos, oh my god, how much more boring can that shit get? Wtf is this #tbt theme? It passed one time, but another bloody play? It was a repetition inception. A repetinception. And Arya will take the rest of the season to make up her mind and kill them all. And what the hell is Sansa doing lying to Jon? That was all the off-screen brutalities at Ramsay's hands did? Make her a cocky player who thinks she is smarter than everybody else? Because that sounds a whole lot like another character prototype that we have a whole lot of as it is. The dress and the cloak was nice though. And Tormund is awesome. And then... Bran... I can't even begin to describe how I feel about that. If I had to rate just that cave bit without Hodor and the rest of the episode, it would be a clean 1/10. What is this? What the fuck is this? Hodor's story was beautiful though. That half a minute was 10/10 and definintely among the most touching scenes of the show. And one more thing. Rickard Stark in a flashback? Will we see him burn? If yes, fine, if not, waste of time. And let me just say, Brandon Stark is mentioned half a hundered times in season one and he's even mentioned in season two. I don't usually talk shit about the show, but is it physically painful to be consistent to oneself in writing?
  9. Hmm. Jon and Sansa: 10 Daenerys: 9 Rest: 6-7 Episode: average 8 Jon and Sansa: everything about these two reuniting had me squalling with joy and jumping up and down. The scene they hugged, the chatty scenes, the pink letter. Sansa was amazing and she brought the best out of Jon. Daenerys: well that shit was spectacular, and I've been missing Daenerys doing spectacular shit. But. The dialogues about Daenerys being fucked by everyone are more over used than Daenerys would be if she were actually fucked by everyone. We. Get. It. But yay, badass dragon queen can burn the shit out of people even without her dragons. Because she's creative and cool. Now this would have been much more enjoyable if I didn't have all those book theories in the back of my head about how Daenerys is not fire-proof and the birth of the dragons was a one-off thing. Shame on all that shit taking away from the awesomeness of that scene. The other thing that bugged me a little bit is that if Daenerys can totally make this work without Drogon, and the other two dragons have been locked up for two seasons, what's the actual POINT of having dragons? Ramsay: Ramsay was good, but why why why why why why why bring back Osha to repeat a scene from a previous season and die? Littlefinger: Wasn't that a long ride from the North back to the Vale? Sansa got married and went to wall, Stannis lost, Jon died and returned to life, Theon escaped and sailed to the Iron Islands... All the while, Littlefinger was riding back to the Vale. He is still a manipulator and sweetrobin is still a little bitch. So he sold Sansa to the Boltons so he could go raise the Vale to help Sansa against the Boltons? Okay. Meereen: Tyrion was great doing that negotiation, Missendei and Grey Worm were absolutely idiotic and annoying. KL: Cersei Jaime Keva and Olenna were good. The High Sparrow bores me to death with his preaching, I want to shoot myself in the head every time he appears in a scene. Margaery and Loras were great. Wall: Tormund and Edd were so funny. Like the scene when Brienne confronted Mel and Davos. Davos finally feels something is fishy about Stannis's defeat. But why did he only start asking questions now? Jorah and Daario: they are neither funny, nor smart together. But at least Jorah is getting weaker so there are signs of his sickness kicking in. was there anything else? Tommen. Tommen was as lame and boring as ever. Theon! There was some Theon too. Theon is boring. His sister is annoying. I hate the Greyjoys, book or show.
  10. It was a little boring from time to time, but the good scenes made up for it. I would put it somewhere between 6 and 7, but I'm generous and extremely grateful for every little step we take to progress in the story. That's something I haven't experienced in 5 years, so 7/10. Wall: Jon failed to sell me his return. There was no , no , no , no nothing. I kinda liked his reunion with Edd and Tormund though. Sea: Sam and Gilly were mildly funny, but rather boring. Of course this was a necessary appearance to introduce Hornhill and Oldtown. That baby should be 3 years old at least though. Meereen: Tyrion trying to have a conversation was also mildly funny, but rather boring. Varys and this random woman was completely wtf. Who the F is she? How did they find her? What's with the harpies then? How will they get back at Astapor and Yunkaii? May I suggest using the dragons? That scene was so random. KL: the little birds are really cute. I was slightly worried that the sweets may have been poisoned, but they seemed to be fine and Cersei seems to be in need of them. Nice to see Qyburn around. There is still a small council functioning in King's Landing? I wouldn't have thought. Where was Kevan all this time? Good to see Mace, so what's with the crown debt? Good to see Olenna too. I assume this storyline hasn't yet caught up with the end of adwd yet and the Tyrell-Lannister alliance is yet to be broken for good. I also assume they introduced the little birds in order to prepare Kevan's end, which was nice. Everybody shits their pants from FrankenGregor, I can't wait to see him smashing the high sparrow's head like a melon. If we are at the high sparrow, his scene with Tommen was quite unnecessary. We don't need anybody to narrate Cersei's character (or Tywin's), nor do we need further proof that Tommen has is a complete idiot without any balls. What I did like about KL was Jaime who totally slayed whatever he did this episode and how the small council scene tied in with a previous small council scene when Tyrion and Cersei pulled chairs to sit at the table with Tywin. What else was there...? Vaes Dothrak: it wasn't too action or tension packed, but the dialogue was on point. Daenerys did everything Daenerys does (list her titles and threaten with revenge) as usual, and it didn't work as usual. That's kinda what Daenerys has been doing for the past 4books/5seasons. But, sooner or later the time is bound to come when she finally realizes that diplomacy and words are no use in westeros/Essos/anywhere and embrace her Targaryen side and burn the shit out of everybody. What the high priestess said to her was absolutely beautiful and on point. Winterfell: I like this Umber person. He has an attitude. The scene was a tad bit too long, but the dialogue had good parts. Rickon was the gift, how predictable. Ramsay actually knows that Rickon exists though? Wait, anybody actually knows Rickon exists? Well isn't that unfortunate? If this isn't a trick or a plot, it's very very very poorly done (where and how did they come by Osha and Rickon? How did they kill a grown direwolf? Why are they giving them to Ramsay? What was their problem with Roose?). But I'm still inclined to think it's a trick, because Rickon didn't seem too agitated over Shaggy Dog's head being tossed around or maybe it's just Art Parkinson being a horrible actor. That wouldn't be a surprise either. Wall2: oh yes, Jon passed the sentence and swung the sword like a boss. Nicely done. Edd has the watch, that happened too. But where the fuck is he going now??????? And now the quality part: Bravos was flawless. Great editing, good acting, great use of the scene. A beautifully embedded subtle reminder that Rickon exists, that there was a Hound left to die and Arya even got her eye back so nobody could complain that the scene was a filler. I really loved that scene. ToJ, zoooooomg, that was great. Arthur Dayne was flawless. The best actor and the best character portrayal for a two minute scene. Young Ned actor was not very good, he was like a little bitch brat. But oh my god, Arthur Dayne's death was mindblowing. And we even heard Lyanna scream. I loved that Arthur Dayne was double wielding, it made him the ultimate swordsman.
  11. The beginning was quite boring/annoying. But after 20 minutes it picked up. Death death death, characters are falling like flies, but at least it was eventful. In fact I was considering rating it 7/10 like the first episode, but the good parts in this episode were better than the good parts of the previous episode, so it kinda deserves to be rated a bit higher. Ideally, it would be 7.5 but I went with the 8/10. Great stuff: Varys and Tyrion, Tyrion and the dragons. I am overly happy that Tyrion's downward spiral from the books was omitted. His connection with the dragons was amazing, the highlight of the entire episode. Carice Van Houten killed it, the acting was absolutely superb. The Wildling arrival was quite cool, I'm glad that Tormund is a badass especially that the show had fucked Mance up so bad. Hodor's background story was nice and I even had a monentary flash about him being the knight of the laughing tree. oh well. One less Greyjoy is always a plus, even though "how" they got rid of him was not my favorite things. Iwan Rheon killed it too, and there was of course a queer satisfaction to having my heart broken over Roose and Walda and the babe. It was good to see monster Ramsay, it was kind of bothering me that I love the guy when he was such a monster in the books. Mediocre/average stuff: Cersei scenes, I'm completely lost at Cersei. I find it impossible to relate to her. Jaime and Tommen was meh, mostly because Tommen is terrible, actor and character both. But I do appreciate that they reflected on Trystane's death, even though this confirms that King's Landing is totally out of control. This happens when you kill Tywin. Theon and Sansa did nothing for me, but Brienne was surprisingly decent. I'm still missing the Stannis is dead confirmation. Jaime and the High Sparrow. Jaime was good, but I am too sick of the whole High Sparrow storyline. Why is this person still alive and how is it possible that nobody can do anything about him? This is game of thrones for fook's sake, somebody go and assassinate him in his sleep. Arya is so boring. She was boring in the books too. What I didn't like/Poor stuff: FrankenGregor fillers. Yes, the guy is a strong merciless zombie, we get it. Tommen is a disaster. Meera is a waste of screen time. Greyjoy crap. I would have liked to hear at least one mention of Euron Greyjoy before he shows up. Balon and Asha were boring and repetitive, Aeron is a boring creep (and God save us, there will be a kingsmoot... what a joy). I was happy to finally be rid of Balon, but his death scene was meh. About that flashback. I will try to watch my language and just say this. Lyanna Stark had dark hair and was younger than Ned. Stuff I'm not sure about: Davos giving Mel a pep talk. I mean I kinda like Davos and I love Mel this season, but what about Shireen? Jon Snow's resurrection. While Mel was chanting, I did two things: obsessively stare at Jon's eyes and Mel's ruby (a proof that shit is working). Then she shook her head and I was like, yeah, that's kinda right, after all she is weakened, not sure of her faith, Tormund wants to burn Jon so he might as well pull a Daenerys and walk out of the pyre next episode and that even works for the episode structure, Jon comes back at the beginning of episode 3. But then, dude gasps for air and his eyes fling open. And I burst out laughing. And I'm still not sure if that was a This is ridiculous LoL or an Oh thank god, the tension is finally over LoL or an Oh thank god this stupid annoying brat is alive LoL. Questions: Where's Sam? Where's Bronn? Where's Qyburn? Where's Loras? Where's the Mace Tyrell and the crown debt? Where is that fooking Littlefinger? Where's Gendry?
  12. Yeah, I read that too and I can totally see why he would say that. I for one always disliked Stannis as person and found him absolutely mediocre as a character. Now I'm hoping for Brienne mentioning him when she updates Sansa next episode.
  13. Oh please no. He has to be dead. I was actually hoping after the trailer that he would be one of the flayed corpses the Boltons burn and that would put the cream on the cake and finalize his death. Update: just came across an interview where he's said to "not return", so he should be dead dead.
  14. At the end of the day everybody gets to do whatever they please, and it might as well be just in my head and those people might as well have genuinely disliked the episode so much on its own account. Criticism is always in order. But recently there have been some massive double standards around which trigger my reverse psychology and I sometimes find myself hating on the books (which is just as bad). Bottomline, there's not much joy in discussion when it all comes down to whatever the show does it sucks, whatever the book does it's genius. Yeah I agree it was up there among the best season starts of the series.
  15. I was a bit too excited about this episode and so the expectations were quite high. The episode did not quite reach up to them, but no major complaints, it was a solid start, I rated it 7/10. Ser Davos is such a good guy. Ghost made me miss my doggy, and it's nice to see that Jon wasn't the only one with brains. Hoping that Edd doesn't take too long to get the wildlings. Thorne is a good character. I don't like him as a person after all the nastiness in the previous seasons, but there is nothing wrong with standing up for what you believe in, taking responsibility and having a plan of your own. What bothered me a little was the complete lack of dialogue for the first couple minutes, it seemed too long for me as someone who was not emotionally shaken by Jon Snow's (not)death. Ramsay mourning Myranda was somewhat off, but feeding her to the dogs made up for it. Roose was hilarious as he kept trolling him. Theon and Sansa were definitely one of the highlights of the episode, great acting, tension, fight, emotions. What bugged me was Brienne... I eventually remembered that they have met in KL at Joff's wedding, but I kinda missed the Hi, I'm Brienne, Hi, I'm Sansa part. A rewatch would have been in order. It was nice to see Theon holding a sword and putting Sansa first, it was about the first time ever he acted like a man. KL was quite nice, it was heartbreaking to see Cersei running to greet Myrcella only to find out she died. The Jaime Cersei exchange was okay. I am not a huge fan of Lena Headey's Cersei. The character she delivers is a sour, brooding, rock hard woman who is always tense and never lets anything out. This is partly boring, partly unrealistic. The ideal Cersei to me would be what Aslaug has been in Vikings Season 4, in terms of both character and acting. Margaery was great, Natalie Dormer is awesome. Dorne... Well that escalated quickly. While it was some Game of Thrones worthy shocker, I'm kinda disappointed because Doran's death means his Targaryen supporting master plan is off the table too. And Ellaria seems to have taken over the overly confident bad decision maker role from Cersei. Trystane's death was plain disgusting and a spit on what Oberyn stood for, also the last nail in the coffin of the Dornish story. Four mad murderous bitches you can't tell apart won't be able to carry a storyline. How did Varys get to Meereen? Again, a rewatch would have been in order. Tyrion was alright. The preacher person should get a Nobel Peace prize. Burning the fleet was quite unnecessary given that Daenerys isn't even in the city and she hasn't showed a sign of willingness to sail anywhere since season 4 (maybe 3?). But this was one thing I can absolutely see happening in the books too, as it is exactly the kind of shit Grrm would do to delay the story. Jorah and Daario seem like a promising duo, and it was quite interesting to see how unconditionally they both trust Daenerys's success. Finding that ring in the middle of the grass could have been much more realistic with only a bit of extra effort. Aragorn found the elven cloak badge in the grass too, but he was looking for it. Jorah wasn't looking for clues, the ring just waved to him from the grass. Dothraki. I'm glad to see these guys back, such a throwback feeling in the best sense of the word. One thing though, I'm all for reuse and recycle, but I'm sure $10M per episode covers a new Dothraki hair/beard style. Everybody looks either like Drogo or Rakharo. Now, there is only one Drogo and no random new khal can ever replace him, so stop being a copy cat. But they were hilarious. The blood riders, the wives, Moro, that was good dialogue. What is funny about the scene is that Moro believes her without any further questions that she was Drogo's wife. Now, Moro=/=Jhaqo it would seem, so he doesn't know her, and if he doesn't know her, why would he believe that? We'll see what happens. Emilia was great. Arya was a bit repetitive, but it's nice to see both Sophie and Maisie grow into their acting after the awkward teenage years when their acting borderline sucked. I loved the Melisandre scene, it was beautiful, meaningful, powerful. Absolutely great ending. Overall, I'm quite satisfied with the pacing and the structure of the episode, there were bits and bobs I disliked and of course Dorne was quite a fiasco, but I enjoyed it a lot and can't wait for more. Footnote: I really hoped for a closure about Stannis. Off screen death is no death, especially on Game of Thrones where sometimes even on screen death isn't death either. Is he surely 100% finished? Evil Footnote: I wonder how many of those 49 people voted 1 just to hate on the show... Not that it's any of my business.
  16. I rated the previous on 10, so this is getting a 10 too, but it's around 9,25-9,50 I don't care what anybody says, my mind was blown. In spite of all the illogical stuff they failed/forgot to sort out. I think it was an epic way to close a season. I can of course force myself into the point of view that absolutely hated it and sort of understand why some people would hate it. But I'll just casually stay with my own POV and love it. I feel like the finale tied many of the question marks of the previous episodes together. The whole deal with Bronn and Tyene and the poison made sense, Myrcella's and Shireen's deaths were, imo, beautiful parallels, as well as Joffrey's and Myrcella's deaths. I really liked the way they solved Theon and Sansa's escape (with Myranda) this was in perfect balance with both Sansa's and Theon's attitude towards the other this season. Stannis's demise was nicely built up from the point where he burned Shireen (before that it was pretty much a mess, but for this episode, it worked well enough) and Selyse's suicide sealed the fact that she was not, after all, a bad character at all. Melisandre was spot on as well. Stannis was Stannis until his last(?) breath. I liked how quickly Brienne forgot about Sansa and the old tower as soon as she got a chance to take revenge on Renly. The bird perspective battle looked stunning, I think. The Wall scenes were pretty good. The Arya scenes were pretty good as well and I was glad that we got the classic Arya tickles the Tickler scene from the books with the mad stabbing. The Jaqen stuff was good too, but I feel like Maisie could have done a better job on them. The Cersei scenes were good, though somewhat unnecessarily lengthy. I especially liked the High Sparrow's smile when Cersei started her walk, it presented perfectly that he's not at all the objective servant of the faith who does nothing but carries out the will of the gods. He enjoys punishing those he dislikes and in that aspect he is as low as anybody else. It's a pretty bit of irony to the whole rise of the faith. I also liked the first half of the Daario/Jorah/Tyrion scene, it was funny. When Daario started making decisions and sketching up the status quo though things went all wrong, because the status quo and the decisions are gaping plotholes. Last time I checked the Unsullied were NOT the only thing that could keep the peace of Meereen since they had failed at that twice this season. Who and why would follow Greyworm who never did any leading and had been holed up in a sick room for 6 episodes? It made zero sense. However, Missandei and Greyworm being made semi-official king and queen of Meereen in everybody's absence was cute and hopefully a hint about what might happen to Meereen in the books as well. I loved Daenerys's messy hair. Awesome hair styling. However, Drogon is not supposed to be so badly injured. If three spear-wounds can hurt a half grown dragon so bad how come the Targaryen enemies hadn't just killed the dragons of old ages? They aren't supposed to be this easy to injure so badly. Drogon is a massive dragon, three spears can hardly do such damage. Also, he should have been with Daenerys when the Dothraki found her. Like this, Daenerys is as vulnerable as she was in season 1 and they missed out on another epic scene, the smoldering carcass and the girl in the smoke and ashes... Their loss. The horsemen stunts though... That looked awesome. Basically all scenes were cliffhangers and somehow that didn't bother me. At least we got to close the Stannis business. That was a heartwarming suprise. Yes, I absolutely love the fact that the show is spoiling the books. FINALLY there is progress. And I don't mind most of the changes this episode, because they worked out for the most part and many of them affected scenes that I didn't like in the books and prefer this alternative as much as a blasphemy that may sound to someone. So I was pretty happy with this episode, I enjoyed it a lot. There are of course bits that I disliked and bits that didn't work, but that doesn't change the fact that I finally had a great time watching Game of Thrones again after the struggly mid-season (and kick-off).
  17. My interpretation of Stannis's character is closer to that of D&D's than to fellow fans' whose favorite character happens to be Stannis, so I don't feel like they ruined his character. I do feel like the sacrifice of Shireen wasn't built up well enough, however.
  18. Yes. They make the television adaptation of a story. Of course it will portray their interpretation. How is that wrong?
  19. Every scene is always open for interpretation. What D&D say on the Inside Ep 9 footage is THEIR interpretation. Which they have a right to. And I doubt that after Joffrey and Ramsay it is possible to portray Stannis as the worst scumbag ever.
  20. I have a different view on what he is committed to. Ramsay already rooted out the Ironborn from DM, there's no screentime in the world to rally Northern clans, what death sentence crimes were those? Burning Mance for deserting, fair enough. Instead in the show, Stannis personally led the attack against King's Landing, he showed his daughter fatherly love, he didn't always listen to Mel, he intends to liberate Winterfell, he lent his ships to Jon being dedicated to protect the realm from the Others. I feel like show-Stannis has good traits too.
  21. What's a good trait he has that he was deprived of in the show?
  22. Up until he randomly burned his daughter alive because he was stuck in the snow for an hour he was not the head of a powerful house with a religious fanatic priestess bending him to her will and a powerful army and a stubborn and determined contestant for the Iron Throne? Because that sounds dangerous enough to me.............................
  23. Was there a point where Stannis wasn't as dangerous as the Boltons?
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