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Everything posted by RumHam

  1. Oh I agree they should, I'm just saying they can and will do whatever the writers feel like. Star Trek always has, but it's especially common for them to ignore TOS stuff. Like I don't think James Cromwell's Cochran ended his days on another planet. You don't get the "wormhole effect" if your engines aren't calibrated right. Klingons and Romulands don't fly the same ships. People were familiar with cloaking devices prior to then...
  2. Ha. That seems really naive at this point. You'd might have said they couldn't change the klingons back without adressing it. Thank god they didn't try. Really curious what happens if Ash and L'rell(?) show up in the section 31 movie. I just watched TOS for the second time and there were so many things that just....don't fit with TNG and later continuity. The shows aren't even always internatly consistant. They could easily breeze right past Korby. Especially if the "season one took place over three years" thing is not a error, which I still tend to think it is. but if huge chunks of time are passing that we're not seeing then whose to say she didn't spent a year with him and then return.
  3. I haven't ever seen a DCEU movie in theaters, and never suspected this would be the one to tempt me, but:
  4. Can you be more specific? It seems more like a continuity error than that we're supposed to assume the season covered three years or that there was a time jump.
  5. RumHam

    Diablo 4

    Noo, what? Mine has like 11k upgraded.
  6. RumHam

    Diablo 4

    They drop more on tier IV. It's still very rare though. I'm not sure if they can drop from the hellfire chests, but anecdotally they drop most fighting the hellfire bosses/world bosses/the overseer.
  7. Really? Huh, obviously I need to re-watch but when was the time skip? Edit: As for Spock earning it during season one, I'm not sure. He wasn't even their captain, he was totally unproven in that role. Plus like I alluded to before they've set it up so this kind of mass rebellion against Starfleet is a very rare thing. I'm not saying they don't have a bond with spock, or even with La'an but I think "steal the ship" should have had more weight to it. That part felt like we were in the Abrhams universe retreading old movie plots, with none of the earned emotional investment. Again, just my opinion. Colored by just having watched TOS and all the original cast movies.
  8. Carol Kane's voice is unique on its own. I agree the accent is not nessecary or good. Yet she passed as human for hundreds of years, go figure.
  9. RumHam

    Diablo 4

    I've yet to play with anyone from the board, just random people I see during the helltide mostly.
  10. RumHam

    Diablo 4

    If you ever want to team up for helltide, nightmare dungeons or whatever just let me know. I'm playing the sorcerer right now and it's like "oh shit I can't just put the controller down mid-battle to make a post anymore." I miss my minions.
  11. RumHam

    Diablo 4

    Yeah I also kinda regret neglecting the campaign on my first character. I didn't beat it till I was level 50+. Made things a bit harder on myself I think. I got two uniques in a row that seem to complement each other. Frostburn and Bloodless Scream. They'd also go great with the boots I already have that leave a trail of frost. I'd have to redo my whole build to go from bone to frost though. Skills, paragon board and most of my equipment.
  12. @Isis I have a hitchcock boxset collecting dust I could send you, if you don't mind that it's DVD and not blu-ray. I have all the movies on my plex server and don't need it. As long as I don't get accused of providing material support to ISIS. Edit: Looks like it's this one.
  13. I watched the first one last night, for the first time since the theaters. I liked it. I'm pretty sure Rodrigez's character's callsign was "Rogue One." Also there a "strange reptilian animal kinda snorts" noise that I swear they lifted right out of Jurassic Park. Really the only thing I thought was stupid was the "Jake is important and the planet knows it so it sent little fluffy puff things." bit. In retrospect they could have taken a scene or a line or two to establish that the bad guy had a kid, and alluded to the literal "backup" plan in case he died. But I assume Cameron hadn't worked all that out yet and it's not too jarring. I'm about 1/3 through the second one and like it so far. I don't know if it makes sense for the family to leave to protect the people though. Isn't the human goal to eradicate the people regardless? They weren't just coming after them because of Jake.
  14. RumHam

    Diablo 4

    Not sure if this helps, but it's not just gear it's glyphs and paragon points too. There are some interesting legendary nodes on that paragon board once you expand it. I dunno it's keeping me engaged, I haven't touched my level 19 sorcerer since I created it. Does anyone know if there are legendary glyphs?
  15. RumHam

    Diablo 4

    Well yes, the ultimate goal is still farming gear and making your perfect build. There is a level 100 version of Lilith to fight when you're ready. She one shotted me at level 73. The other thing I like doing is just helping out random strangers who you can see are dying a bunch in helltide. The virtue of helltide is those hidden 175 cinder chests, they drop like 3-4 legendries You can find them on the map that was posted: https://helltides.com Once you get to the point where you can confidently not die, you can get four chests in the hour long event. Plus the usual drops + obols. It seems by far the quickest way to get gear. 90% of which gets sold to fund my enchantment addiction.
  16. RumHam

    Diablo 4

    This is the way to go, really. I wouldn't be so broke if I hadn't spent so much tuning gear that I outgrew five levels later. Really you should only do it if you get stuck and need the boost. There should be some epiloge quests to point you to what to do next. There's a bit more story, plus side quests with some of the story characters. If you just want to improve your gear you should try a helltide, I can pop down to tier III and give you a hand if you want. You don't want to die in a helltide cause you'll lose your helltide currency. But you can get a ton of legendary gear that way fairly quickly, while gaining obols to get more gear. You'll find it soon I'm sure, I got a second last night. The pool of unique items isn't that big.
  17. RumHam

    Diablo 4

    There are some neat options I didn't know about. Advance tool tip and advanced compare seem nice. Now I can see the range skills can roll on an item, and when comparing there's a handy list of all the things I'm giving up by taking the new item. I also set it so item drops only make the sound when they're legendary or better. I'm going broke again, need to start selling things. Too much enchanting to get things juuust right. But now I've got +10k thorns, with 17% of that on my skeletal mages and 7% on my warriors. Plus a legendary bonus that gives a 24% chance that the thorns hit every enemy "around me" whatever that means. Plus the random gloves. I think it's helping but I might swap that out down the line.
  18. Yeah there were two reasons I bounced off Bioshock after a few hours. One was I thought you couldn't aim down the sights, which someone later told me you could I guess the controls were just not what I was expecting. The other reason was I for some reason assumed it would be like Fallout 3 and it was just a shooter.
  19. I didn't realize M'benga was a TOS character. I guess he gets demoted? Anyway I'm finally done. I never really liked the first movie either, but I guess I'll try this "Directors Edition" version before moving on to the movies I actually like.
  20. RumHam

    Diablo 4

    @JGP can you trade legendaries and uniques? They all seem to say account bound, but also when you go to modify them the game warns you this till bind them to your account. If we can trade I have something that might interest you if you like thorns! I linked it to you in game. Edit: aw. look like we can't trade. It's a shirt that gives +8,903 thorns.
  21. RumHam

    Diablo 4

    Ok yeah it is pretty crazy. Though it's also funny seeing a critical hit for 250hp. I was hesitant to switch because my +4 bone spear was on my old glove. Along with some of my +critical hit, but I'm not sure it makes sense to keep going for crit if I'm gonna build around these gloves. I need someone who knows math!
  22. RumHam

    Diablo 4

    Yeah it's a pair of level 70 gloves. The downside, I think, is that all the other affixes are Lucky Hit: chance to do some effect. So you might need to do a lucky hit build to make it worthwile? Into the chest it goes for now, with most of my other uniques. I do like the boots that leave a trail of ice. I got my critical hit rate up to 33% which I think is good? I mostly use the basic skill bone splinters, and the core skill bone spear which I have 9 skill points in. Since one of my uniques buffes bone spear it's really good. I also have points in Bone Spirit, which im starting to think is a waste, because it uses all remaing essence. Leaving me unable to use bone spear. I don't really know what I'd replace it with though.
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