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Ser Steven

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Everything posted by Ser Steven

  1. She was insinuating that, but she was lying to him so he wouldn't send in troops and rescue Margery. It was Cersei's plan to get Margery arrested. She didn't want her freed.
  2. She found out from her father, when he was beheaded for telling the whole court that, and the "denying" it at the execution.
  3. It could still happen, the fight hasn't happened yet
  4. Except Cersei wasn't Subtle. Margery figured it out immediately which is why she said the mother/sister comment at the end, It would piss Cersei off, and she knew Cersei wouldn't say anything because she was trying to butter up the judges daughter. Tywin got everything he asked of Cersei and when she started to ask for something he said shut up and GTFO. Even Oberyn figured it out and ignored what she was asking.
  5. From the way I read that scene, is that she had every intention of doing that, if needed, but after talking to him for a couple of minutes realized she wouldn't have to in order to get Tommen on her side.
  6. In the show Sam says they are going to the NIghtfort because there is a gate they can get through, and he knows this cause he read it in a book. It's where Gilly calls him a wizard.
  7. I agree with pretty much everything you say. Talissa being pregnant, and wanting to call the baby Ned was definitely in there to get an emotional response from the audience. As for your question, Nah I don't think you are wrong to think that. I do think Talisa would be top 5 on LS' kill list. My guess is LS would assume Talisa surviving meant she was part of the RW. Which let's be honest would probably be the only way Talisa would have survived it.
  8. I think it wasn't meant to overshadow Cat, but to add to it. Remember right before everything goes down, Robb tell Talisa that Cat is starting to like her, ie excepting her as her daughter in law. More evidence to that is the smile when Cat see Robb and Talissa kissing after Talisa say she wants to name the baby Ned. That's how I saw it anyway, but I can see where you are coming from. I just think the lil time they gave to Talisa in this episode versus Cat, especially at the end once the massacre started makes it hard to say Talisa overshadowed Cat.
  9. I think it's completely your prejudice against Talisa. Name me one soon to be father, who is not a psychopath, that would not go to his wife if he watched her get stabbed in the stomach killing both her and his unborn child. There is not a sane male on this planet that would do that, but all of a sudden Robb is supposed to be the one man in the world to do that? It's not over shadowing Cat, it's adding to the scene. After she passed and Robb saw what his mother got herself into he immediately got up to try and stop her to save her(at least thats my opinion of what Robb was doing when he called "mother").
  10. The Lannisters would not kill Sansa. With Robb dead, and Bran and Rikkon, presumingly dead, Sansa becomes the heir to Winterfell. Meaning at this moment, according to most of Westeros, Tyrion is now the Lord of Winterfell.
  11. Don't forget that along with the Frey's, Bolton and his army switched sides too. That got the numbers closer to 50/50. Also all the northern army were drunk, which is what they were trying to show in the scene with the 2 guys wrestling. With the fact that, one, the army is drunk, and, two, they have no idea anything like this is gonna happen, gives a huge advantage to the Frey/Bolton army. There are also other things that made it easier for the Frey/Bolton's that it looks like they are gonna explain next episode so i will refrain from saying anything now.
  12. I have to say I loved that episode. Yes there was things missing from the book version, but the overall essence of the red wedding was there. The false sense of everything is gonna work out, to all of a sudden, omg, WTF just happened? I had chills after watching the last 10 mins. It was just as hard to watch as it was to read.
  13. I believe in the Dany scene right before Jorah gets friendzoned, Jorah mentions that they were able to talk the slave army to join Dany instead of fighting them.
  14. Yes is was the obsidian, or "dragonglass" dagger that he found in season 2 while digging for poop. It was the same dagger he showed Gilly last episode
  15. In the book the dragonglass is destroyed when he kills the other. I assume it's the same for the show.
  16. Why? Sam has never ever done that before. Matter of fact he has gone out of his way to tell everyone how much of a coward he is. Not to mention the people that start calling him Sam the Slayer are his friends, why would they go straight to not believing him?
  17. That's the equivalent of me giving you $1 and then for that dollar you give me $1,000. Then me Chastising you for be an ass for not taking that deal
  18. They didn't, Granted it wasn't as big as a f you as it was in the books, but it was still there. Sansa knew he could not reach her shoulders without help. Shewatched Joffrey carry the steps away, and she could here the crowd laughing at him. She made him ask her to kneel before she would actually help him out
  19. Not really all they have to do is when Sam is telling the story of how he and Gilly escaped, have Gilly jump in and say," And Sam kill an other with dragonglass!" then have Green be like "oh, Sam the slayer"
  20. 1. Yes he did say there was a 1,000 troops. Whether he is telling the truth, who knows? 2.I think the wilding army has more peopel with them then they have shown. The army was huge when you saw the camp at the end of Season 2 3. This may or may not be considered a spoiler, but to be safe I put the spoiler tags on. It's just the basic jist of what the wildings plan is. I haven't said what will happen just what they plan to do. So if you consider that a spoiler don't look. I myself wouldn't consider it one, but want to be safe.
  21. No it was not the whole Wilding army. It was just a small chunk of it. A small elite force you could say. Don't remember which episode(3 or 4 I think) it was, but it was the one where Mance says, "we are gonna light the biggest fire the North has ever seen." In that scene you see him telling Tormund to take a group of Wildings to climb the wall and attack Castle Black from the other side.
  22. There is no such thing as too much of Chaplin's Butt. I do agree with the Theon stuff. As much complaining about characters not getting fleshed out are on these boards, it amazes me at how many don't want the Theon scenes. I do agree they could have shortened them or extended the 5 scenes over more episodes, but the scenes do need to be in there.
  23. It was good to see Tormund tonight. TBH I actually like the way the show did him this season. It's much more believable that he wouldn't come right out and be friendly with this crow who switched sides, before Jon actually earned his trust
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