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Everything posted by Mladen

  1. Mladen

    Board Issues 4

    Also, is the post-save option lost?
  2. Mladen

    Board Issues 4

    Fire and blood, my friend... Fire and blood... The red works nice... It is good to have a nice contrast... Prior to change, forums looked like a surgical table.
  3. Mladen

    Board Issues 4

    Thanks... I know how all of this is very tiresome and annoying for all of you.
  4. Mladen

    Board Issues 4

    Two things... 1. When it will be "safe" for posting things we don't want to lose? 2. What happened to members' lists? It was much easier finding someone that way...
  5. 20? That is exaggeration... 10 good men... 20 good men would conquer all zombies in all Universes.
  6. Yeah, Sansa was involved in getting herself raped. That was really important. Writing for Tyrion has been idiotic to say at least. Suddenly he and Dany are besties, without even the natural distrust. Then, we have that awful conversation about the wheel where two persons who obviously have different political philosophies - Tyrion is elitist through and through are becoming allies.
  7. 1. LOL... Ellaria starting a war while THE HEIR OF DORNE is in enemy's hands. We don't hurt little girls in Dorne. The poison needing questionable amount of time to work on Bronn and Myrcella? As you see, you missed quite a lot. 2. How it isn't? 3. Meereen was bad in the books. And that Daznak pit scene was epic. Daznak pit scene in the show was hilariously pathetic. 4. Why not? Are we going to actually argue that the show isn't sexist? That the writing of homosexual isn't showing some problematic thing? That women are getting raped left and right in order to gain some strengths? Tell me why should we not discuss sexist writing when the writing of the material that they are supposedly adapting is so egalitarian and feminist. While I had the problems with Dance and Feast, this adaptation was even worse... That is truly an accomplishment.
  8. And what we got is Tyrion being stupider than ever to the point that he hadn't one good line entire season. Brienne's entire storyline now has some point? LOL... It was the soap opera moment with the candle. Sansa's WF story was such a success? Oh, wait... And Dorne... If Dorne sucked for you in the books, I don't see how it didn't sucked 10000x more in the TV series? Every criticism you have mentioned is done 10 times worse in the TV show.
  9. And how about perhaps visiting book forums? Plenty of those around there... And the fact that ADWD wasn't Martin's best work is somehow making this entire season more tolerable? Nope.
  10. LOL at the idea that everzone who watches it, loved it. And yes, everyone who liked this has some serious taste issues. DWD was a wreck? LOL... Between gaping plot hole of Dorne, pointless Winterfell, troubling Meereen, this wasn't a wreck? Between sexism, shock scenes and lack of any decent characterization, this was what? A piece of art? Again, the show has come to the point where liking it shows poor taste.
  11. Wait, someone actually missed that gaping plot hole size of Dornish birthmark? LOL...
  12. 1. The lovely momentum of latinoamerican soapopera when "if she only waited for a single second"... 2. Battle that was, well... 3. WoS that had the emotional impact as reading the news of snowing in Siberia. 4. Sansa jumping... Jesus, Mary and Joseph... Arya was sort of good... I have no ways to express how bad this season was. And I am genuinely questioning anyone's taste claiming that this was good. We have passed that "opinions are different". Nope. If you liked this, you have a bad taste. That is the point they had brought us.
  13. I am sorry but anyone arguing this season was in any way good has the questionable taste at least. This was a pile of ... what was the word Sansa used in Season 3 finale? Well, just pathetic.
  14. 6/10 As someone who argued the possibility of Stannis pulling Agamemnon card to the Shireen's Iphigenia almost two years ago, this wasn't that surprising. But, this was tragically done. The sole idea of Stannis pulling Agamemnon card is in fact that sacrifice is not easy. It is not an errand that must be done ASAP, but a very tough decision because he is cornered to do in order to move on. "20 good men" most certainly was not the reason. Daznak's pit was awful. Absolutely terrible. Like, seriously, the most underwhelming moments of the series. Dorne as usual... Pointless to the moment where you just want all to lead to spontaneous combustion. Arya was kinda OK...
  15. As one who have argued this possibility long before all of this in making, I can say I understand the books very well. Thing is that even though the theory is right, even though Shireen is burned by Stannis, the set is definitely going to be different than this. There has always been a possibility of Stannis burning Shireen, especially in line "Sacrifice is never easy, Ser Davos". But people let them be taken astray with the powerful lines like "You are my daughter" from TV show and they worked with Stannis that basically never existed in the books. Needless to say, it was horrible.
  16. Yes, I literally said that. And I mean it. I won't apologize because some people think that GoT should be watch without a bit of critical opinion. These threads are full of "just sit and enjoy" BS. And second, again, some people can watch the show and be critical of it without resorting to the nastiness. A concept that a lot of fans seem unable to comprehend. Well, at least I made you laugh. Have a great day :)
  17. Well, don't generalize then... Deal with people's opinions individually. Don't make wide, broad and often incorrect statements about what is happening around here. And I agree that some things are not critique, but some things are. And perhaps in those 1500+ post-long threads, 90% are just illegitimate whining, the 10% is very serious criticism that should not be ignored.
  18. I didn't say that I am better and that people who watch the show, and enjoy, are unable to think. Those are your words, not mine. Thing is that whenever someone dare to criticize the show for whatever reason they may have, the obvious argument is "Why do you watch if you hate it?" The strawman argument here is created by other side who believes that the only way to watch GoT is to think of it as above any sort of criticism. I am sorry, but GoT is not above any criticism. ASOIAF is not above any sort of criticism. So, basically, some people need to accept that some of us are capable of both watching the show and you know, having a few objections.
  19. I feel like I have to apologize for actually thinking while the show is on. It is like it is demanded of the viewers to shut down all brain activity and just "enjoy the show" you are watching. I am sorry, but I a, going to watch this and will criticize things I think are bad. If you have problems with that, then I am sorry, but I can't help you.
  20. Because, it is not travesty. It is not lowering your IQ, and it has some sort of structure. They didn't go deep with the whole Arya/Fm transformation on psychological basis and there are some things to complain about, but overall, even with cliche version of Arya, the Braavos story is being better than 4 out of 6 storylines this season. This reminds me on Alphas episode on The Big Bang Theory, when Leonard says "if they didn't want angry nerds to complain to them, they shouldn't have started the SciFi channel". Same thing here. If they thought they will be blindly praised and that their original audience, the one they counted at the very beginning, is not going to nitpick each one of those details, they must have been rather naive...
  21. I actually disagree and Winterfell plot this season is quite the proof what happens when they have no material to lean into. Benioff made such hilarious lapse this week with that infamous line "creatively it made sense to us, because we wanted it to happen." They both lack the subtlety, the nuance in their writing. Their female characters are cliched version of their book counterparts and they have all been transformed into something seen countless time. Dany into Warrior Princess, Cersei into Evil Queen for modern ages, Sansa into victim, Arya in regular tomboy, Catelyn in just a mother. This season they have 6 storylines and two are catastrophic (Winterfell and Dorne), two are lowering IQ (Meereen and KL) and only two are working so far (Braavos and Wall). Furthermore, it seems they are lost in what they actually try to do, what message their work has. That doesn't mean they are the worst people out there, there are far worse shows than GoT, but simply, Martin's work thematically, artistically and lastly character-wise is superior than theirs. Because when left alone, we have idiocies like Winterfell this season.
  22. Well, I gave up of trying to memorize all of the Essosi character quite early in my reading process. As I have stated, GRRM is not infallible. But that doesn't make the producers of TV show above any sort of criticism. And as I have said. there is no TV show or movie that hasn't been criticized for this or that. Nothing is universally liked :)
  23. LOL, first, given that I am huge fan of Ramin Djawadi and his work, I would suggest you take that back :) Honestly, is it that difficult to believe that some people won't like certain aspects of the show? You know, even the most popular and the shows of greatest qualities have been bashed. It is basically how Internet works. I am not going to say that cumulative effect of the objections is not overwhelming but rare are the people who hate it all. Basically, different people hate different things. Just as different people love different things. As for being book purist, I would suggest you go through the subforums of the last couple of seasons, then of course, look at my posts and see that I am not one of those who believe that ASOIAF is word of God. I do believe that some things have been done better in the series. Just because I have few objections on the show, doesn't make me book purist. Furthermore, is it that difficult to understand that some people watch the show and find some things problematic? Is it that difficult to imagine that some people will watch the show from the perspective of criticism? I have seen TV fans who have never heard of Martin or the book series raising some questions that even I, as a book fan, was unaware. So, let we stop pretending that Game of Thrones is universally liked show and that people are drooling whenever they see it. They are not. Bring down D&D? LOL, are you seriously thinking that there are people here who believe that their posts can bring down producers of successful TV show? Like, seriously? Also, how would you characterize the energy spent on complaining about other people's criticism?
  24. LOL... I will leave that business to you. I start to wonder when did criticism of "Game of Thrones" of any sort became personal insult to some people.
  25. I know they are doing their job the best way they can, but sometimes it is not working. There are great moments, and there are bad moments. Just like basically any TV show out there.
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