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  1. RT @BloomingMachine: Golden Globes 2016 : le palmarès https://t.co/oTQW7p6YbY

  2. @Ravavamouna Le mieux c'est sa vidéo sur Jupiter Ascending, il dit que c'est génial parce qu'ils ont fait exprès de faire un film de merde.

  3. Je suis un président dantesque. #Democracy3 https://t.co/3f64l6sXU9

  4. RT @philousports: http://t.co/JwVH7lFzpi

  5. On the contrary, I think that storyline will lead to the Kingsmoot.
  6. Speaking of Margaery, was the guy standing next to her and Loras of any importance ? It did seem odd to me that he was such in a high position during the trial, and yet completely unknown. Could it be a blink from D&D to what Garlan might have looked like if he was actually in the show ?
  7. Mace's dumbness plus Tywin and Oberyn's death and Vayrs disappearance will call for a full new Small Council next season. I do hope for the return of Kevan Lannister, and we will have Qyburn. Maybe that will be all, but I hope for a possibly merged Rowan/Redwyne Tyrell bannerman, even though I doubt it.
  8. The Yara scene was pretty meh, but since it gave me a real hope for a full Greyjoy focus (Balon's death, Victarion/Euron and Kingsmoot) in season 5, I'm glad we had it. She will retreat to Moat Cailin, possibly learn about the death of her father. Kenning who will appear might say to her than Victarion has returned to Pyke and maybe (I hope) he will mention Euron's back. So she will leave too, possibly before Theon and Ramsay arrive and flay all the remaining Ironborns. And I'm convinced that she didn't sail all around Westeros. Those were just barks, so my guess is she sailed from Iron Islands to Moat Cailin then took some others boats to attack the Dreadfort.
  9. I bet Balon Greyjoy is drinking in Pyke to all the guys and gals killed in the show while they're still alive in the books, Just chillin' in the castle waiting for the storm to kill him. And since Mockingbird is the Ep 7, I already figured out this was gonna be the 'Only Cat' episode. Man, look likes <z have : E07 : Only Cat E08 : Oberyn vs Gregor E09 : The Battle at the Wall E10 : Tywin dyin' + UnCat We can say for sure this end of season is gonna kill the Internet.
  10. What do you think about Mace turned into a comic character ? I don't mind it, it's quite funny, but Loras being branded as the "gayknight", Mace just the dumb lord who stills live in his mother's pants, and Willos and Garlan cut out, not so much love for the Tyrell boys...
  11. During the speech she didn't know Theon would react like he did. It's understandable even if I agree this may have been done too quickly "Let's go to death !" and just after "Well get the fuck out"
  12. Great episode. Loved the trial. Tyrion was awesome. Potential Emmy winner scene.
  13. Loved Michelle Fairley in the early episodes of the new season of 24. I don't know if she will be the main villain, but she really could perform some great scenes with Jack Bauer.
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