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Ser Jake

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About Ser Jake

  • Birthday 04/10/1984

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Landed Knight

Landed Knight (6/8)

  1. It always blows my mind when people don't post photos on auctions or whatever it may be they're trying to sell. First, IT'S 2014!!! My 77 year old grandfather is capable of taking pics on his cell phone! Second, people always pay more when they are able to see what exactly they are buying.
  2. Didn't get to watch it live, just finished watching it. I thought it was really great. My only complaint, and it's really not a complaint at all, is that Littlefinger didn't give the "Only Cat" line before pushing Lysa out the Moon Door. Episode was great though, both of Tyrion's scenes were incredible and the Arya/Hound stuff was really good, ending was great as well. Brienne/Pod stuff was also quite enjoyable, nice to see Hot Pie again.
  3. Amazing episode! No complaints. Braavos! Drogon! THE TRIAL!!! 10/10 Shits about to get real.
  4. Fucking great episode, no complaints. They nailed the trial!
  5. One thing kinda irritated me, it's really a small thing and I'm definitely nitpicking, but when Olenna says "back when marrying Targaryens was all the rage", I don't like the "all the rage" line, not fitting for the show at all. Great episode, though I don't like Bran being/getting captured at Craster's and I don't like them sending Jon to Craster's either. Other than that... that ending!
  6. Not sure if I like new Tommen. He's too old. Anyone know why they replaced him? Pretty solid episode. Not sure what they are doing to Stannis' story. Enjoyed Bran's scene. Unsure of why they had the Brienne/Cersei conversation... are we supposed to believe that Cersei is jealous of Brienne or something? Wedding was pretty well done, shot really well and all the costumes/props and stuff were really nice. Jack's performance was top notch, per usual. Going to miss his acting on GoT.
  7. Back again! Apparently $12,500 was too much… went with $9,500 this time. I mean seriously, what is this person thinking?! There's 2 complete numbered sets on eBay right now for thousands cheaper! I could see if it was for charity, but… I think realistically he should be listing that for maybe $3,500. I honestly don't know how much the numbered AGoT goes for alone but I'm guessing around $1,500? Then the signed US 1st of AGoT which appears to be in mint condition is around $1,000 (on the high side because of condition), ASoS US 1st maybe $250 for a signed copy. Not really sure about the rest, but I've seen them all sell on eBay for anywhere from $50-200/each. I'm just hoping that when I earn my millions some of those numbered/lettered sets will still be on the market for me to buy. :)
  8. I noticed someone was selling one of those B&N slipcased AGoT reissues with a starting bid of $500, even though that same book can be bought for as low as $10. Also saw a signed AGoT 1st US printing with a buy it now of $1,999!!! Some people have really, really unrealistic expectations or are just waiting for a sucker.
  9. This is pretty awesome, but I'm not sure if it's $4,000 awesome. http://www.ebay.com/itm/A-Game-of-Thrones-First-First-with-RARE-1-of-7-Unused-Cover-Proofs-/271327352540?pt=Antiquarian_Collectible&hash=item3f2c5ed6dc
  10. Just bought the ADwD paperback (my 3rd copy of ADwD) so I can read the 9-page Barristan chapter. Worth it.
  11. Unbelievable! That was pretty much how it went down in my mind when I read the RW. Sad seeing Grey Wind die. :(
  12. Really wished they had spent more time on the bear scene. Rest of the episode was a little slow, but that's fine because it was a plot builder. Gave it an 8/10.
  13. Watching the episode again, just can't get over how awful that scene with Tyrion and Bronn wanting details of Pod's 3-some is. Just seems so out of character and so completely unnecessary. Rest of the episode was pretty good though.
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