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JonCon's Red Beard

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Everything posted by JonCon's Red Beard

  1. They pretty much used all the book dialogues from Tyrion's scenes with no changes. But they couldn't keep one line. :lol: Anyway, was I the only one DREADING that Dany was going to say "I'm your Queen and I order you to fuck me"?. Or worst... "I'm Daario Naharis, and I'm here to fuck". I also love Jorah, btw. "Oh, no... my queen got sexed by this asshole" and then, "yay, my Queen listens to me!".
  2. I just want to say that I think Mel has the more beautiful breasts of all the naked ladies in GoT (also Ros, but whatever).
  3. I told you all that Shireen will be the important part in Stannis' plot, k? You didn't believe me! I took it as he killed Joffrey because he used to hurt Sansa. Joffrey had nothing to do with the RW. Or, he plainly lied. There is still time. By the end of the next season, there will be probably a baby Tyrion XD
  4. The dialogue in books is so good that it got NOT CHANGES.
  5. "Brilliant speech, Tyrion. It was trending topic for hours".
  6. lol, Jaime "Now I have to have sex with people I'm not related to for nothing!"
  7. LOL, I agree. I like Dany but they portray her naive and already regretting her decisions. I would probably take my people and sail to Westeros in her place. She's staying though. I respect that.
  8. In the whole episode, there was not even one fuck given by Oberyn. Not even literally, apparently. I wish I could say goodbye to some ex boyfriends in that way.
  9. I'm not so sure if he knows Oberyn would defend him. So far, he's one of the judges and they haven't had the interaction they had in books. He was ok trying to defend her, but the way he did could have been more clever, specially knowing what kind of temper Joffrey and Cersei had. He's smarter than that.
  10. I think that reference is important but I haven't yet decided why. I thought he would say something about Rhaegar, though.
  11. Unsullied all are going to need some good Xanax when in the next four episodes, characters are going to die like flies...
  12. And Loras/Renly, and Oberyn/Ellaria/PeopleFromTheONlyBrothelInKL, and Loras/WhatHisName...
  13. The use of women in the show as simply objects for the men's pleasure is as real as the violence and butchery we see during battles. Yes, it appeals men but it's not like they're inventing such treatment.
  14. I agree that popularity doesn't equal quality but this time, this episode was very good.
  15. HBO? And reading the books didn't ring your bells about sexism in Westeros? When daughters AND sons are forced to marry against their will? When in the Riverruns pretty much every girl has been raped, or so said Jaime? When Randyll Tarly says that Brienne could learn to behave like a proper lady after a good old rape? I get it. Women being treated like objects offend people. But in Westeros, women were treated like properties. And, in many societies, they still are (#BringBackOurGirls, anyone?). This reminded me of those idiots who whined and whined about taking down the part of my national anthem that says we were slaves because it wasn't true. It was true and now people think it's not and someone wrote down those lyrics because it simply was feeling creative and with low self-esteem. Hiding how women were treated in history because it hurt susceptibilities doesn't do anybody a favour: it's the other way around. There were no Talisas in middle ages saying "uuuh, your world is barbaric!". they were given the barbaric treatment.
  16. Oberyn said that Varys should meet Ellaria in the brothel. That's wrong, HBO. Does she lives there already?
  17. Mace Tyrell got himself a HAND chair... really, if he's not some fool I dunno what he is.
  18. So, Dany fucks up, Tyrion is dark... now, only Stannis needs to get back on track. that was enjoyable. Short, but enjoyable.
  19. So, in case it wasn't clear for everybody that the necklace had the venom...
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