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JonCon's Red Beard

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Everything posted by JonCon's Red Beard

  1. Ok, I finish the episode. I guess the Unsullied must be confused as fuck about who's the killer. Tyrion Dontos Varys Oberyn Loras Lady Olenna doesn't look anything like a suspect unless you're really really paying attention.
  2. Since Ned's beheading I haven't feel this way about a death. It was simply horrifying. I felt terrible for Jaime. The way he ran to joffrey. Come one, this aren't the books, it was his son =(
  3. Yeah, I later corrected. Who besides the Lannisters? Everybody else could have killed JOffrey, tbh.
  4. The joust. Jesus... it's so... there is anybody there who wasn't either offended or disgusted?
  5. I'm loving Oberyn with every episode, really. "Hah hah! You're not a Queen and you're poor".
  6. Funny that Joffrey is "Joffrey of houses Lannister and Baratheon". Why didn't they just say "yes, it's true, he's inbreed, fuck off".
  7. When Varys says "Have you ever known your father make an ¿idle? threat?", Varys sound exactly like Petyr. In the trailer, I thought it was Batm-- Baelish.
  8. https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/t1.0-9/q71/s720x720/1011796_687428701317371_8108157955761735059_n.jpg
  9. "Hello mother" <kiss. smile> What the fuck? I actually feel a bit... sorry for him D:
  10. Just starting to watch. Myranda is the new Rose/Talisa/Chic, isn't? The 21 Century gal they simply put there because whatever dude... inclusion.
  11. I haven't yet seen the episode but after reading all the StanFans' pain, maybe what they plan is to make him a villain or a dislikeable character so, at the end, when he actually saves the day, people is confused as fuck? Pretty much the Unsullied will have the same discussions we have here about Dany and the slavers, but instead, Stannis and the people who he got burnt. She's ok now. Paramedics got her home with her family. Apparently, she wasn't eating very well these days.
  12. I was ready to watch the episode and a friend fainted. FAINTED. In front of me... it was awful. By the time we got her home I only managed to see the end, when Joffrey started to choke. It Was AWFUL. which mean, it was AMAZING. Long live the cunt King. And Jack Gleeson, you will be missed, kiddo. I've never felt so much joy hating someone.
  13. Are we sure the Thenns are cannibals or they were simply messing up with the group because they used to have a baby crow with them?
  14. Ah, also I love Maester Aemon "How can you tell a liar?" "I grew up in King's Landing". bitchslap with class.
  15. Yeah, that last one I missed, I think. Thanks.
  16. My stream was pretty bad and I missed a few scenes that I watch later with more time, but there wasn't a scene of Gendry in a boat ready to leave with Davos? I remember that scene was "leaked" in one of the promo shoots.
  17. Let's not mix Stoneheart being brought back with Stoneheart doing something. We - or me, at least - didn't want the scene of the book, only the knowledge that she has been resurrected and people thinking she was going to be Cat again, the shock would come next season when they discover that, although she's getting her revenge, Cat is really really gone. But again, that's what I wanted.
  18. Like, but the final scene with Dany felt out of place, like "oops,we forgot Dany, let's do something". They should have put last episode scenes in this episode instead.
  19. there is only one episode left. By next year their "sorrow" will be over. Few comments about Essos. If you pause it at the right moment you can see the exact moment when Dany broke Jorah's heart.
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