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The Scabbard Of the Morning

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Everything posted by The Scabbard Of the Morning

  1. The scene was not pointless. Cersei was so distraught over losing her last son that she was willing to reveal the whole secret and bring down her house in order to keep him. Now think back to what happened in season one, Ned offered her a chance for her to go in to exile. Had she taken the offer she would have kept all her children safe with her. It just goes to show that Ned Stark wasn't the stupid one, Cersei was. Is very consistent with the subtext of a dance with dragons which to show the reader that Ned wasn't stupid, it's the people who didn't listen to him that were.
  2. Honestly I thought it was a great episode of television. The emphasize being television, not viewed through the lens of what's missing from the books. The books are better, we all know that. But it still can be a great hour of TV even if it doesn't quite reach the heights in the books. I'd give it a 10, not because it's perfect but because it's as good an hour TV as you're ever going to see.
  3. Yes because they obvious will blow their wad by showing the most expensive shot on the previews. BTW, I don't think we're going to the the chaining of the dragons next week. People who think so a setting themselves up for a disappointment. This is just like last year, when because of the episode name was "Mhysa" people went all "it also means mother, and Cat is a mother so omg well get the double meaning and that means Un-Cat!" They're doing it again this year with "The Children" and Dany's dragons are her children so omg she's going to chain her dragons! Nope, the children will refer to Bran's story, and maybe Tywin and his children, but Dany will at best get the child's bones.
  4. Remember when the show runner said that there is a scene in episode 10 that is the most expensive effects shot they've ever done? And people were wondering what it could possibly be? Now we know, it's the Stannis charge.
  5. I know what happens in the books, but I just knew the show runners would make this change for the reasons I stated.
  6. I predicted this would happen. That they will have Jon volunteer for the suicide mission. It gives him agency, and makes it more heroic for him to basically give his life to save Sam and the rest of the Watch.
  7. I think the delay is probably because of the shooting schedule. This episode probably was already the one with the longest shooting schedule and to fit the Stannis part in would have kept Neil on set for too long. A lot of times when viewers like us complain we have no idea about the behind the scene logistical nightmares that the changes we'd like to make would have caused.
  8. Yeah but n the book I don't get the feeling that Tywin was that averse to passing of the rock to his siblings, he was more about the Lannister clan than just his own progeny. In the show they have to make it about his children because the rest of the clan doesn't really exist.
  9. Snowcastle scene was weak, but putting the stuff in about Cersei tormenting baby Tyrion back in was awesome, that conversation was one of my favorites in the entire series and I'm glad they put it back in.
  10. Not really. The wildlings *are* butchers and rapists. There is reason when Mance walked up to the wall with his 100,000 army the Night's Watch didn't just open the doors and let them through. There is a reason why Bowen Marsh questioned Jon's choices. Even though ultimately allying with them was a rational move by Jon, the reservations of Marsh is legitimate and did not exist in a vacuum.
  11. This episode is all about reminding everyone how everyone in Westeros is an asshole again, just as people were feeling giddy about Joffrey's death. Starting to like Jaime a bit? Well how do you like him now? Starting to like the Hound a bit? Well he's a douchebag too. Think Dontos was legitimately wanting to help Sansa. He's just doing it for the money, and LF didn't even pay him. Westeros sucks even with Joffrey gone, and don't you forget it!
  12. This is bugging me, so you guys are saying that the image below the face in no way resemble one of these? http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-0oGgVLy5gO0/TV36D5EgGbI/AAAAAAAAJBo/0JyMUn-6SeY/s1600/white+roses+flowers+wallpapers+%252810%2529.jpg
  13. http://i.imgur.com/QiKxbqd.png check out this screencap and tell me if I'm imagining things.
  14. Just freeze framed one of Bran's vision and I could swear it has a frozen rose in one of the scenes.
  15. Actually if you slow down the Lady Oleanna with Sansa scene you can clearly see her palm one of the jewels off her necklace.
  16. 9, but I added +1 for the Bran visions. I hate that this show doesn't do enough vision/prophecy stuff so I have to reward them when they do. So 10.
  17. I'd normally give it a 7, but I have to bump it up to an 8 for the sword of the morning name drop!
  18. It matters because Jaime and Brienne fully intended to fulfill the bargain with Catelyn, and the reason they couldn't is because Sansa had disappeared moments before they reached KL. Now they are there with Sansa, and their failure makes them less honorable than they were in the books.
  19. Except Slaver's Bay are not brown people in the books. It's only that way in the show because the shot it in Morocco and most of the locals they use for the extra have brown complexion.
  20. Fake Arya was not necessary until the PW and Sansa's disappearance. With Sansa expected to produce a Stark/Lannister heir, these is no need for fake Arya. So yes, there will be a fake Arya, but it won't come up until after the PW.
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