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Everything posted by SerJeremiahLouistark

  1. Tyrion pretty much confirmed Varys was just surviving, he never had any intention of having Dany killed.
  2. That's interesting, I think the outcome is the same either way. She is more interested her family is alive than her claim I believe though, I could be wrong.
  3. I don't know but that joker was just straight up chillin with an army of white walkers about 15 feet behind them. And the Nights King can move a hell of a lot faster than those dudes can row.
  4. Ultimately it is, Dragons vs White Walkers. Fire vs Ice. Right?
  5. My takeaway... The Sansa thing is interesting, does the news that Bran and Rickon are still alive maybe is what she needed to turn into a killer. Ramsay attacking w 20 men he is obviously going to try and hit them under cover of dark and run. The Dany and Tyrion angle is interesting, Tyrion has brought more life to Mereen than we have seen in 2 seasons. The battle at Hardhome was unbelievable, I know it's not that way in the books but this is one of the few instances where the show is better than the books, that was incredible. I didn't think Valaryan steel worked on wights, I guess I was wrong. Great fight scene, seems a shame that the Ides of Ollie will more than likely happen in episode 9. Every odd season a Stark take someone's head off early in that season and what happens in episode 9?
  6. Easily the best episode of the entire season and one of the best episode to date. Damn, that was pretty intense at the end. The best shit happens in the North.
  7. Think the Ollie and Sam convesation pretty much assures The Ides of Ollie
  8. Hell dropping the Manderlays, they would have been more interesting than Dorne. We could have seen Frey Pies, and Davos getting jailed, and his "trial" at White Harbor, plus the good guys would get a win, knowing that at least there are some great houses still loyal to the Starks in the North. Tyene's boob shot has been the only good part, and Bronn of course. As far as Ghost and the Wolves go I'm convinced the writers of this show are trolling book readers at this point.
  9. I gave it a 4. Way better than last week's episode but still boring as hell. The only thing that saved this episode was the Bronn scene, and Ty's tits, and Cersei getting abused by new Brienne.
  10. To me this was by far the worst episode of the entire series.
  11. Wasn't nearly as bad as last week's shitty show, but still pretty terrible.
  12. See that's the point I've been trying to convey. The writers know that ASOIAF fans aren't going to quit watching no matter how pissed they are that Dany's eyes are blue and not purple, or the omission of Catelyn talking about her hair during the Red Wedding, or Only Cat. How many book readers have actually said, F this show I'm done.
  13. It gives people something to bitch about I guess.
  14. I don't think it's important but it's being discussed because so many people seem to be upset over little things like this one line. I was just offering up a potential reason for that line being changed. I can understand being a little upset at the omission of Tysha or Coldhands, or even Stoneheart, but not small line changes. I don't know, I also told myself before this series began that a ton of shit would change, so im not shocked and really my biggest disappointment thus far has been Leaf, which is relatively minor.
  15. I'm not disputing that I'm just questioning would the vast majority of unsullied had known at that moment that only Cat meant only Catelyn, or did they have to dumb it down because they felt it wouldn't click immediately.
  16. You have a confidence in non readers that I do not share, we can agree to disagree.
  17. She was called Cat like 4 times and it was all in season 1. Maybe 1 time in season 2. Like it or not book readers are NOT the target audience.
  18. Again could this be a change for the viewers and not the readers? Maybe they thought "only cat" would confuse viewers.
  19. In a way this series is fan fiction, that's approved by GRRM. The problem is anyone with any sense knew this before episode 1 of season 1 was released. I kind of feel sorry for those of you who thought this series was going to stay completely loyal. I've said it before I'll say it again, ASOIAF fans were NEVER the target audience. We were going to be watching anyway. The idea was draw as many new fans in, with stupid love scenes and palatable things for all audiences. Nothing too dramatic has changed. A few lines, and few characters, a few interactions. It's a quality show. Mitch Hedberg brilliantly said "you can't please all the people all the time and las night all those people were at my show". That's what this board feels like sometimes.
  20. See i think the only way you can truly cover everything is to make an animated series.
  21. I was so hoping that question would be answered someday.
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