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Everything posted by Misnthropia

  1. I saw this answered a few times and still some confusion. Essentially, to become noone is akin to mastering their training. However, becoming someone else is a lot easier. He is saying she has shown that she might be ready to take that first step and become Cat of the Canals. Rather than becoming a faceless man. This could easily be drilled into them by starting to adhere to how he makes the Vale lords cooperate in the books. The interactions between him and the lords of the vale havent been that pronounced in the show, but theres smoke there. They could expand on that quite easily and remain true to the book relationship of him essentially holding Sweet Robin hostage and by buying or disposing of lords one by one untill they are all loyal to his purse. I think this also links up to his end game of LF pushing the Stannis v Bolton fight and him rolling up like a vulture to finish the survivors to become Lord Protector of the Vale, Warden of the North, Lord Paramount of the Trident. Ive had this argument with some of the facebook groups. In our culture. 100% rape. However, Westeros =/= 21st Century Western Civilisation. We need to stop applying our morals onto a television show which is based around a medieval code. She was married and went off to her husbands room. What happens then is what happens to every female of that period. They consummate the marriage. A lot of people are using the line "Why didnt Tyrion bang Sansa". Well thats because Tyrion isnt a psycho who genitally mutilates, flays or hunts people with pack hounds. He has, under their culture, the right to his wife. She has begrudgingly given consent by going through with the marriage (not that she had a choice). I suspect, Sansa thought she could act all frightened (watch how she starts to unbutton her dress) like she did with Tyrion and get away without taking the dick. Where was the outcry when Khal Drogo pounded Dany? Everyone was to busy fantasizing about Drogo sticking it to them to care it was rape. I ask this question. Had Ramsay "raped" Jeyne Pool, would it have caused this much of an outrage? I suspect the only reason so many people are angry is because Sansa is the sweet, innocent little dove that has gone through hell. If Ramsay has done anything wrong, it is being rough and violent with the fresh flower. Dont think they have KY back in Westeros though.
  2. The only way I can see redemption for him is him giving his life, making the ultimate sacrifice for a Stark.
  3. See to me it makes even less sense now. Roose Bolton is the current Warden of the North. They are an old Northern family who whilst does have their current share of enemies, certainly has larger support in the north than the Lannisters or Littlefinger. Handing Sansa Stark to the Boltons brings anyone who was undecided, to Winterfell. The Mormonts etc who refuse Stannis, where do they go? Sansa Stark - they think Rickon and Bran are dead so Sansa is the next eldest. Littlefinger can walk up to the gates and scream all he likes. Roose is just gonna give him the finger. Warden of the North means nothing if you dont hold the North. The only way forward for me in this storyline is Sansa Stark runs to her little birds in Winterfell and lets them know. Ramsay is discovered to be a jerk and noone rallies to the Boltons. Stannis takes advantage of this and attacks with Northern houses who are under the guise of "Save Sansa Party." On the "scene" itself. I thought it was fine from a imagery point of view. I dont think it was rape in the Westerosi sense. She was consenual, despite not wanting to do it. She knew her duty and did it. What I did have an issue with is how the show has elevated Sansa from her scared and frightened child image to a strong woman who is playing the game. They destroyed that. I have an issue with how they treated the charachter. The Dorne scenes are cringeworthy. The entire premise that Jamie Lannister wanders into the Watergardens and manages to get close to Trystane and Myrcella is laughable. Then introduce the Sand Snakes. Apart from being the worst fight scene since Power Rangers, their dialogue is horrendous. They pretty much copy pasted Oberyn and somehow made it sound terrible. Areo Hotah looks amazing though. My heart broke for Jorah. Learning his father died, it reminded me of when Dany asked about Daario.
  4. I met him here in Melbourne at the FitX bodybuilding expo this year. He is INSANE in person. Im personally 6'4" and he made me look like a dwarf. He is quite athletic for a large man, how that translates to a man in armor is a different story though. Im pumped to see him and I am honestly shocked we havent been introduced to the Mountain yet seeing as his fight is what Episode 8 and this week is 6...
  5. Tywin really cant rethink the Tyrell alliance. The Tyrells have a fairly firm grasp of power at this point. As we hear in this episode the Iron Bank is knocking. The capital is in major debt and the Tyrells are a source of a) soldiers b) food c) money and major sources at that. Without the Tyrells the kingdom would be in complete disaray and Tywin knows this, whats worse, so does Olenna. I think Cersei would be hesitant in entering the alliance, Margery Tyrell, twice a widow to murdered kings - but Tywin is very intent on marrying someone to her. if Jamie wont then the only other option is Tommen. Which falls straight into their plans. I think the Tyrells - more specifically Olenna - is a tactical genius.
  6. I dont think the Tyrells had any intention of blaming Sansa or any of the blame falling onto her. They were genuinely looking out for her. With that being said, I do think Olenna would have had a good idea that Tyrion would have been fingered for it given the strained relationship of Cersei Joffery and Tyrion and by association Sansa would have gone down for it as well but in the end shes one girl. I dont know if Littlefinger would have told the Tyrells the entire plan for Sansa as they wanted her for Loras and to get her out of the capital and her falling into Littlefingers hands is arguably just as bad as the Lannisters in some ways. I will be interested to see how they play Littlefinger into this whole thing in the coming episodes because there are lots of questions that arent fully answered and I think the show was far less subtle than the books were at pointing out who did it and maybe theyll also reveal a few extra things there to.
  7. I dont think he will win either. Personally, I believe the whole story ends in nothing but utter chaos with noone on the throne. Go back to a time before the Targs came and we have independent kingdoms?
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