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  1. You are stating that people should not compare the two. Do you need to state that if noone does compare them? Youre comment is simply unwarranted and you are baiting the comment. In my quote, I did not compare them.
  2. Agreed. With Book backstory you can kinda get an idea of what theyre TRYING to do. Right now, you cant even get that.
  3. Can people stop peddling this tired line out? If you look in this thread you will find it hard to find someone actually comparing them to book details. Many here are criticizing the show plotlines as show plot lines. Separating them does not make them any better. Riverrun was still a utter waste of time. Arya was still 2 seasons of "Cool, now im going home" and Brienne just traveled halfway round the world to hear "Nope" and then got in a rowboat.
  4. She even twisted the knife. The waif stabbed and twist. Arya at 10 years old is the most resilient Stark in history.
  5. Terrible episode. I struggle to give it a passing grade. The writing this episode is the culmination of 2 seasons of poorly cobbled together plot points. Arya - We have wasted two seasons of her in Braavos. The Waif T1000's her through the streets and all of a sudden, nah Im going back to Westeros. Episodes upon episodes of her fighting whilst blind and working up to becomming a Faceless Man. For what purpose? If the budget is so tight, did we really need all of this? Riverrun - Siege is introduced this season, we had a total of what two or three episodes on it with the Blackfish making his return to slink off and die off screen in the biggest let down of the season. I have numerous issues with Riverrun. Blackfish says Edmure is a marked man last episode, Jamie this episode states his son has been born. Ok, if his son has been born, there is an heir to Riverrun and an heir to the Twins. Why is Edmure still breathing? Theres no way Waldr would allow Jamie to threaten the child. Why on earth would Brienne travel, literally thousands of miles and then accept a simple "Nah" from Blackfish (ignoring the fact that she made it there that damn quick). Why would Brienne sneak out the backdoor? She was given free passage she can just wander out. Why is it fine for Brienne to send a Raven from Riverrun to Sansa but not a Raven from Sansa to Riverrun? WUT. Blackfish killed off screen. Was credited to budget issues. If the budget is this bad, WHY DID YOU INTRODUCE RIVERRUN?! There was nothing here that could not have advanced Jamie and Briennes plot that could not have been done elsewhere for far less money. Showwatchers have forgotten the Blackfish and Edmure, just write them off. Instead we got a two episode plot that just angered us. Before we leave Riverrun - The Hound, him pissing in the river is pretty much D&D at this point trying to be clever by injecting a stab at the book readers by pissing all over LSH. *clap clap* you think youre clever. Meereen. Useless dialogue between Grey Worm and Missandei. Oh look Dany is back just in time for the Seige of Meereen. THE SAVIOUR HAS RETURNED *vomit* Oh look at all those ships! As if Urine Greyjoy's 1000 ship fleet wasnt enough we have the Masters! Kings Landing - Trial By Combat now banned?! The Faith Militant - whos very role is to enforce the Sevens rule by military might doesnt want combat because its violent? WUT. In other news, Cleganebowl, hold the hype. Cersei must be convicted now, does Tommen really believe he is a Baratheon? Where does this go? It doesnt make sense because the High Septon has invested so much into Maergary and Tommen. Tommen will be chucked off the throne as soon as Cersei goes to trial. Unless the Throne then goes to the Faith *shrug*
  6. Shes entitled to live out her years with the rest of the used up Khalessi's back in Vaes Dothrak. It is well known she killed her Khal with Blood Magic which is highly forbidden by the Dothraki. She might be looked upon more favorably because she was the great Khal Drogo's wife in which case she becomes a trophy. But her status as Khalessi is moot. They arent going to bow down in front of her.
  7. This. I dont care anymore that the show isnt in line with the books (hell I only recently found the books). I care the the TV show this season was 8 Episodes of Round-a-bout story lines with no pay off. Inconsistencies within their own story telling, plot points that make no sense and terrible dialogue; "Bad Pussy". When Dorne couldnt get any more ridiculous, Bad Pussy. Then we get to the GoT Episode 9 Hype Fest. 2 episodes of "Lets shoe horn as much book content in no matter how much if doesnt fit at this point". Even my Unsullied friends and family are picking up errors and pointing out dialogue and plots that arent in line with the universe.
  8. Its ok, we know you werent ever going to admit something was wrong in the continuity of the show.
  9. Because then the entire premise of burning Shireen due to the harsh snow on the arduous, lengthy journey from Castle Black to Winterfell (harder when you lose all your horses oh wait Mel found one) that has taken 9 episodes turns into "Just coz". I am happy to accept things need to change for show situations. But they need to make sense. Varys, yeah look I dont want to see Varys treking around Essos. Or Gendry rowing his damn boat. But if youre going to make out that the Baratheon army had to sacrifice the Kings daughter in order to make the trek from A to B due to how long the ride is/how much snow there is/how harsh the terrain is/how there are no horses DONT SHOW ONE OF THE PEOPLE IN THE ARMY MAKE THE TRIP IN 30 SECONDS ON A FUCKING HORSE.
  10. So your argument is "This is one of the best seasons because Dragon riding". I suspect you think it was also the best season because "WHITE WULKERS BATTLE!". Budget affects things like casting, CGI usage, locations etc. Budget doesnt affect poor dialogue that contradicts itself two episodes later (or seasons earlier for that matter). Budget doesnt dictate pure and simple charachter butchering. Budget doesnt affect writing, unless your budget can only afford high school graduate level story writers. This season was poor because the timing of it was incredibly rushed. The pacing was off from the very start. Ratings were plumeting up till Episode 8 because they spent all their time in Dorne with horrible dialogue then Episode 8 came and HOLY SHIT GOTTA CRAM 2 BOOKS WORTH INTO 3 EPISODES!! Whilst AFFC and ADWD should have been one book and condensed down a bit, the TV show shouldnt have been and didnt need to be. We WASTED so much time on plots that didnt go anywhere and had zero pay off. Thats not good use of your 10 hours a year.
  11. Wait wait, werent they saying that ratings were down from last seasons? I stopped reading the ratings around EP6, but they were dropping hard based on previous seasons, but still their highest rating show. Even as a TV show, ignoring the books, this season was fairly poor. I atleast like my stories to make sense. They contradicted themselves so many times this season. The dorne plot was ridiculous. Winterfell was a joke. It was 8 episodes of rubbish and two episodes of "lets cram as much shit from the books in as we can!"
  12. Will use the LittleFinger and Melisandre developed Teleporter. Old Town is but a kick of the heels away! Yeah I...it was the journey to get there. Its really frustrating that we went this whole season, stumbling from plot to plot to wind up at Episode 10 where there was 50 minutes of crammed in conclusions. I agree that it felt very messy and just all tossed in for the sake of it at the end.
  13. I dont think theyre leading to a Brienne killing. I mean apart from the feel good "You kill Renly YYARRRGHHH" scene theres no furtherment to the story there. Surely theres a payoff here and I think its it Littlefinger. We think that Littlefinger is going to come in with the Vale and mop up whos left after Stannis v Bolton. Littlefinger is a rat but hes better liked than Bolton and now Stannis.
  14. D&D could be banking on us supporting Littlefinger and the Vale when he gallops in, making sure we forget that for the past 5 seasons hes been nothing but a treacherous rat.
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