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Stonemouth - Iain Banks *SPOILERS*


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So I just read this book. My first non-Culture Banks. I liked it a lot, but am very confused by the end. Spoilers follow.

It's a Banks book so I'm suspecting a big reveal at the end. Something that ties together the loose ends of the bathroom incident, the Callum death and Grier as mastermind. But all the loose ends are just left hanging. I can't decide if all the puzzle pieces are there and a re-read will let me put it all together. Or if the info isn't there, the reader is just supposed to accept that the mysteries are to remain mysteries because real life is messy and doesn't come wrapped up with a bow. There's a quote about how everyone thinks they are the star of their own story through life, but how it's not true. Maybe Banks is saying the same thing about the "reader"??

Anyone read this and think they have answers? I'm not up for rereading and trying to work out after just finishing.

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