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Foreshadowing is tricky to pull off correctly, but GRRM does it really well.

I hate it when you can predict stuff in movies because of the so called "foreshadowing".

But in GRRM's case it truly works, because for many of the instances, you have to go back and read it again, and only then do you realize what it all meant.

The second time I read the books, I was so shocked I'd missed out so much, I wasn't sure I was reading the same stuff as before.

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Foreshadowing is tricky to pull off correctly, but GRRM does it really well.

I hate it when you can predict stuff in movies because of the so called "foreshadowing".

But in GRRM's case it truly works, because for many of the instances, you have to go back and read it again, and only then do you realize what it all meant.

The second time I read the books, I was so shocked I'd missed out so much, I wasn't sure I was reading the same stuff as before.

I think the quantity of writing in ASoIaF helps conceal a great deal of what would otherwise be pretty obvious foreshadowing.

Foreshadowing in films typically works best when it's communicated non-visually (which a lot of modern directors seem to suck at unfortunately).

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