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Could he be done with the books?


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IDK I remember seeing at interview of GRRM that was taken in like April 2013 and the girl asked him how much of TWOW is done and he said. "It's about a quarter done" The way I see it is if he's telling the truth at this rate TWOW won't be released until 2017

To be fair, in that same interview he did say that he did not count the pages. So when he said he's a quarter done, he meant on the story front. Considering he's had to catch up with some unfinished stories from ADWD and considering how the books always start out with a slow pace and pick up in the latter half... A quarter done might be better than you think.

In ASOS, for instance, being a quarter done with the story would have probably translated to half of the book's pages considering how action packed the second half is and how character driven the first half is. Also, a quarter "done" excludes drafts of which he may have had a bunch.

Either way, he's had over a year since then and with very minimal side projects and cons to go to. One can only assume that he's made significant progress and is closing in on the three-quarters point (in terms of pages, if not story). So let's hope the book comes out just before season 5 airs- because there will be some TWOW spoilers in there for sure.

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He might have finished the transcript. But on his verge of 10th or 100th editing... IIRC, after aSoS, he almost finished the 4th book and then decided that was not gonna work and he had to re-write it all over again.

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I have hope that George will be true to his fans an finish the story soon .im just a normal guy I lost my love for reading for many years an authors like Bernard Cornwell an George Martin have brought me back in the happiness a good book brings.lol love asoiaf and stories of UTHRED .the history channels VIKINGS IS ALSO A FAVORITE.always looking for new things so message me my friends any books we have in common.

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Silly question....

The other night, I was talking to my husband (he's just a show watcher.... lol) anyway, he knows how ANGRY I get when George does things like, do interviews, write other books, blog about football etc.... well, he pointed out, there is NO WAY, anyone would be able to relax and just be like he does.... with HBO barreling down on him as it is, and the fact that he has released a few chapters here and there....

Is it possible?

Could the books be finished writing the books and he's just waiting for "the perfect time" to release them?

George is done and I will tell you how we know that he is. He has worked around tv and written formats before he realizes that their is a limited oppurtunity to make money on the books and the show. The only way to do both is to release the books ahead of the time frame of when tv show catches up. People will not read a book in this information wielding age that they already have a large grasp on how it will end. In order to do this he will more than likely break up the last two books into 3 seasons with the show, releasing the hardcover then the paperback the following year within the last three seasons. to corner all sides of the media market.

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I'm actually getting more worried the more I think about this.

Anyone here ever done serious writing? It takes a lot of stamina...and I can't I imagine doing it if you're really just rehashing a better version of what is already known. Really deflating.

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