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Nicest/most honorable house (possible spoilers)

ser evan nobeard

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I know this sounds like an odd question, but I've always wondered who were the "known nice guys" of Westeros. Though it's largely dependent on the current lords of the respective Houses at the time, what Houses were considered relatively decent people not only to their common folk, but to enemies during war.

Good and evil are so blurred in this series that you cannot simply peg 'good' and 'bad' to most people and Houses (though the Starks are tough to portray as anything but noble and decent). The Northern Rebellion appeared on the good end but you have the Boltons and Karstarks (ignoble actions with Lannisters but not notoriously sinister like the Boltons). The Freys are known snakes though they sided with the "good" guys for a time.

The South acted as the "bad" guys as it was headed by the Lannisters but you don't get the sense that the Tyrells or any significant House from the Reach is overly sadistic.

Essentially, do you believe there exists any House in Westeros that, should you be a captured enemy combatant, would give you even the slightest bit of decency and respect?

I'd vote for the Starks, Tyrells, Hightower (nothing back up this opinion, just don't get the "bad" vibe. Perhaps the academic culture of Oldtown), Martells, and Dayne (again, absolutely nothing to back this up, just the vibe that most in Dorne are less inclined to the medieval cruelty seen throughout Westeros. Perhaps the overall more tolerant nature of Dornish culture - salty, stony, or sandy).

What are your opinions?

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considering that all past generations of daynes have most likely tried to become a sword of the morning, u would think that they were for the most part decent people trying to become the perfect knight

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Honestly treatment as a prisoner of war in Westeros just seems so dependent on so many different things that it would be nigh impossible to predict it with any consistency. Yeah, some great houses may have a reputation for honorable or dishonorable behavior, but that reputation may or may not be the shtick of the current lord of that house, of the houses sworn fealty to that great house, of the particular lords who captured you or are responsible for your protection, etc etc. Seems to me you just have to get lucky more often than not.

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I agree. Captured by the Lannisters under Tywin would be totally different than under New Jaime and being Roose's captive pre- and post- Rob could not be more dissimilar.

It always seemed odd that Ned tolerated the Boltons at all. Seems their reputation would precede them enough to knock them down a tier or two or three.

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Perhaps, but what are you going to do, rout an entire noble house? That sort of action requires you to be Tywin-like from then on out. The only reason Tywin got away with Castamere was because he made his modus operandi incorporate that type of ruthlessness. You can't do that and then go back to being a peaceful straightforward Northerner.

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