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C+B=R Robb Stark Theory

Bar DP

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This theory is just not possible. The first problem is the timeline. But the "evidence" given is just nitpicky nonsense that has to be skewered to reach the conclusion (which is already impossible.)

Im pretty sure it's the dialogue from said video

It is.

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An hour long video? This takes crackpot theorizing to a whole new level.

There is actually a recent thread about it here. It makes this thread a reminder to how nauseated (figuratively) while seeing it this morning, as well as unnecessary because there is an existing topic without the annoying page length and bold font.

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Another issue is the way that Catelyn treats Jon.

Jealousy is understandable,

but it's very uncommon for a woman and a mother, with maternal instincts, to treat a small child so badly.

In the show Catelyn says:

“All this horror that's come to our family,

It's all because I couldn't love a motherless child".

And, she was never jealous.

She didn't even care Ned cheated,

she only ever cared about Jon being raised at Winterfell.

Keep in mind that the only way a bastard can threaten a trueborn 1st son is if the trueborn son is actually a bastard.

This is the very same thing that makes Eddard suspicious in king's landing, why would a bastard trouble Cersei if her children are trueborn? Even if the bastard is older than her children?

When Catelyn discovers Cersei's children are bastards who are not Robert's, she thinks:

"Would even Cersei be so mad? Catelyn was speechless."

Why EVEN Cersei? Why not simply say Cersei?

She can't believe another woman did the same thing she did, which is to let her husband raise another man's child, as his own.

This is pure tripe. Catelyn did not treat Jon "so badly" as confirmed by the author. She snapped at him exactly once. Not every woman is hardwired to love every baby she comes into contact with, so that part to me is rather stereotypical. "All woman everywhere love all babies." Just no.

A bastard can threaten a true born. It's happened in history. That's basically what the Blackfyre rebellion was. That's why Ramsay is now the Bolton heir. That's what a lot of real life history was. That's not evidence of what you're trying for.

Catelyn most certainly didn't have a problem with Eddard being with other women, true, but it's evident that when Jon was given the treatment he received that the jealousy factor came in. She thinks in her second chapter that the woman who was Jon's mother was probably someone Eddard really loved.

Age: Brandon died in 282AL , Rob was born in 283AL. Time wise, it's plausible.

If you squint hard enough anything is plausible. But Catelyn's thoughts suggest nothing of the sort. She even thinks about Ned being the one to father Robb, so your whole theory is baseless.

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Ned had lingered scarcely a fortnight with his new bride before he too had ridden off to warwith promises on his lips. At least he had left her with more than words; he had given her a son. Nine moons had waxed and waned, and Robb had been born in Riverrun while his father still warred in the south. She had brought him forth in blood and pain, not knowing whether Ned would ever see him. Her son. He had been so small...

This passage basically proves the entire concept wrong.

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"I gave my maidenhood to this solemn stranger

and sent him off to his war... and the woman who bore him his bastard, because I always did my duty.”

There you go.

Nothing would be added to the story at this point. It would mean that the heir to Winterfell is Bran, who is becoming a tree.

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