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Jon Snow should stay how he is...dead.

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In times of emergency the Roman republic would garner full authority and autonomy on a single general so as to be able to react swiftly to threats without opposition without consideration of partisan politics.

In the United States of America emergency powers are bestowed on the president in times of great strife, these powers allow the commander in chief to work unilaterally without needing the support of congress, so as to be able to swiftly react and eliminate the threat without having to worry about partisan politics for the duration of the strife.

In ancient Sparta the ruling council would decide when to address a threat, but once military action was granted the ruling kings (2 of them) could act independently of the aristocracy in order to eliminate the threat.

In almost every culture rulers were granted authority to work without consensus in times of great duress, precisely because if you wait for consensus you WILL DIE. Make no mistake consensus does not matter in a military structure such as the NW in times of war (which they are in). If anything Snow was too lenient, he should have taken their heads at the very least.

Thought what you said is true, but there is still a limit to their power, they can not go far beyond what we call consitituition, when a dictator of a Roman Republic claims he would make himself King of Rome, or an American president in an emergency declare he would abolish all political parties, do you think they will still be in their position for long?

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Thought what you said is true, but there is still a limit to their power, they can not go far beyond what we call consitituition, when a dictator of a Roman Republic claims he would make himself King of Rome, or an American president in an emergency declare he would abolish all political parties, do you think they will still be in their position for long?

Julius Caesar. He was quite successful at it too until he finally went too far.

Your American point is irrelevant, abolishing political parties has nothing to do with the war effort and would as such be beyond his powers.

When it comes to war itself there are no limits on his power. The president can unilaterally order nuclear deployment, sign alliances, and even authorize the use of black ops (including what would be considered war crimes) without ever consulting congress.

Whether they remained in their position after the crisis has no bearing on the quality of the leadership, only two possible things reflect on war time leadership ability: did they win, did they survive (by they I am referring to the side that the leader represents). If Snow doesn't find ways to increase their numbers, if he doesn't let the wildings through then they lose for sure. Anyone willing to give their opponent 50,000 new shock troops because of pride and tradition is a piss poor leader regardless of their politics.

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I find it really hard to believe that GRRM would spend so much time building up a character with events like being Ned's "bastard", finding the sixth direwolf pup, joining the NW, gaining a valyrian steel sword, building a relationship with tyrion, building a trust with the wildlings, un-tapped warg potential, becoming lord commander, building a weird relationship with Mel, and having weird dreams a lot. Then have him die at the hands of Bowen Marsh, but not confirm the death so you have to wait years to find out.

He is still alive and this failed attempt will either be a way to give him some loop hole to restore the Starks of Winterfell or further solidfy himself as head honcho on the wall.

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