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Barbrey Dustin's game

Knight Of Winter

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I don't remember the quote persisly but basically she asks Frey where do you think Mors Umbers loyalties would lay if they didn't hold Greatjon she tells him he would be pulling his entrails out, but this statement is as much for Frey as it is for Bolton, greatjon can confirm Bolton's actions in the RW.

She tells Theon as much for his benefit but also for the Bolton ears Theon is surely to tell that Manderly is not going to survive, he's weak and craven, but we the reader know Theon ain't no bodies pussy, with a bow and arrow Theon is a god and Manderly ain't a pussy or punk either he won some tourney in his youth and Cat and Reek remark upon Manderlys sons own courage. She wants to deflect any suspicion off Manderly and kin and make Bolton and Frey look else where.

Yet I'm of the mind both Manderly and Dustin are playing both sides.

Dustin is playing Manderly and Bolton, she doesn't want a stark Restoration she wants a snow subplant and ask for Manderly he's playing Bolton and Stannis, as he wants a Stark in Wf which is where their true ties and mutual trust ends, but both want Stannis and Bolton out of the North and the it becomes games about Snow v Stark

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