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Most emotionally draining POV


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Cat, RW.

If Theon didn't include that (imo) huge false note, it would be up there.

Additionally, personally speaking, boredom is my most hated sensation, so like Damphair or post-GoT Dany or much of Bran would qualify. Also Damphair. And that seaweed priest whose name I am temporarily omitting for aesthetic reasons. God I unenjoyed him.

Edit: in a good way, Tyrion between Purple Wedding and patricide, in a bad way Tyrion between Patricide and Fair Maid.

may I ask what you mean by this?

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Oh, you mean in ASOIAF.

In which case, in no particular order: Cat in all three books. Sansa in Clash and some of Storm. Brienne, at times. And a lot of Theon's stuff.

Special mention to Bran. He isn't emotionally draining, but I do feel for him a lot.

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Theon. One hundred times Theon.

My hatred for him was so entrenched I thought pity for him was impossible - then Ramsey happened. I don't think I've ever read fiction that has made me feel physically sick but oh dear God is flaying+psychological torture a traumatizing mix. Kudos to GRRM though - the early Reek chapters are a fantastically gruesome and it one of the best written POV descent into madness narratives I've ever read, its like The Yellow Wallpaper with a side order of bodily harm.

After that pretty much any POV where corpses of women were found mutilated in the war-torn countryside - especially when their breasts were cut off (for some reason I always found myself grabbing my chest and praying that is not how I die - it would be so painful) - those sections always brought home how precarious Brienne, Arya etc. were out in the wilderness.

On a more personal note - Davos, I hate his guts. No real reason I just find his chapters irredeemably dull, even when I shouldn't. The moment when his POV came back after he was supposed to be dead drained me emotionally more than any other event (except Theon obvs [and maybe the red wedding - very literally in that case as I shouted at the book - "I MUST HAVE READ THIS WRONG. NO GEORGE. NO. WHY DID I TRUST YOU? WHY GEORGE WHY?" - my parents thought I was going through a rough break up!])

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