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I created this game. Anybody want to check it out and play it for free?


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So - how does one use the snapchat then? Do you just maintain a list of friends and acquaintances with it and send them messages or pictures?

The only experience I've had with it is when I've listened to people vent about how their spouse has been cheating on them with snap chat (probably with 'Carlos Danger').

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I forgot you asked this :lol: my bad

I just found time to play and in response to your pm ------>



We've tweaked the game some, and now the tower spacing has been increased which should make the game easier.

It looks like you destroyed the score of Mr. Patel. Good work! Now you just need to defeat Brad Armstrong.

Over the last few days some guy named Adam Bednar has risen through the ranks and is threatening to take the number one position in the game.

We've been gaining popularity in Croatia - and as goes Croatia, so goes the world!

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