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Revive Your Inner Child

Tellus Explorer

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Hey guys!

I'm not sure if I'm putting this in the correct place (I couldn't decide between entertainment or here) but either way I could really use your help...

I'm doing a little experiment with a few friends and we're studying child entertainment, mainly with television series but not excluding any other form of entertainment.... Like those kids who enjoy clanking pots and pans together.

Why are shows like spongebob still on the air?

Why are shows like Adventure time so popular?

Why do children find amusement in muppets?

How can some children have such a great time playing with cardboard boxes?

One fraction of our group believes children are too simple-minded to know what is considered real entertainment, so they will watch anything with flashy colors and actions

Another fraction believes that children are very critical and are fueled by curiosity and what they enjoy challenges us adults with being the ones entertaining them

Another believes that imagination rules all other things and child enjoy seeing the wacky characters and such

So I want to know from you guys, whether you are parents or have siblings, your own experiences or whatever;

What do your kids enjoy?

What makes them laugh?

What tv shows do they like?

What characters do they favor? Why?

What's the weirdest things they found enjoyable?

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SpongeBob has a lot of adult humor, I remember getting kids ready for school dying laughing at parts the kids had no idea was funny, I think that's a big part of why it's lasted so long.

When they wanted to watch teletubby type stuff I rolled my eyes and knew I would hate every second.

I'm of the opinion "flashy colors and actions" along with the "imagination rules" is what it's all about for kids.

With a dose of escapism, kids cartoons normally won't have some strict parental figure yelling at them or disciplining them.

For the pot and pan bangers, they are just conducting science experiments about sound. (I got that from DeGrasse Tyson)

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