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Doom 2


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I've been kicking around an undeveloped theory that Dragonstone will go boom, or doom. It spawned from the belief that the end game will involve epic large scale events and that when the Others invade, Westeros will require dragonglass in large quantities.

Quoted from the wiki not the books because I'm lazy.

every hill for 500 miles had split asunder to fill the air with ash and smoke and fire, blazes so hot and hungry that even dragons in the sky were engulfed and consumed. Great rents had opened in the earth, swallowing palaces, temples, entire towns. Lakes boiled or turned to acid, mountains burst, fiery fountains spewed molten rock a thousand feet into the air, red clouds rained down dragonglass and the black blood of demons, and to the north the ground splintered and collapsed and fell in on itself and an angry sea came rushing in.

Provided the wind blew the right way, such an event would be pretty handy if the living were to make a stand against the Others at say the Trident.

How could such an event occur and on demand? Well the Faceless Men are theorised to have had a hand in the first Doom and we have a budding Faceless Woman as a central character. Also, creating a Hammer of Waters may involve some seismic manipulation that could cause it, and then the wave perhaps to wash down the trident what the winds don't carry.

Some claim the Doom was the result of the priests of R'hllor calling upon their fire god, and whilst unlikely, Stannis having dwelled there with Mel and it possibly being a staging point for Dany with a Red Preist or two could be a little parallel.

What would it look like?

She threw back the shutters and shivered as gooseprickles rose along her arms. There were clouds massing in the eastern sky, pierced by shafts of sunlight. They look like two huge castles afloat in the morning sky. Sansa could see their walls of tumbled stone, their mighty keeps and barbicans. Wispy banners swirled from atop their towers and reached for the fast-fading stars. The sun was coming up behind them, and she watched them go from black to grey to a thousand shades of rose and gold and crimson. Soon the wind mushed them together, and there was only one castle where there had been two.

She heard the door open as her maids brought the hot water for her bath. They were both new to her service; Tyrion said the women who'd tended to her previously had all been Cersei's spies, just as Sansa had always suspected. "Come see," she told them. "There's a castle in the sky."

They came to have a look. "It's made of gold." Shae had short dark hair and bold eyes. She did all that was asked of her, but sometimes she gave Sansa the most insolent looks. "A castle all of gold, there's a sight I'd like to see."

"A castle, is it?" Brella had to squint. "That tower's tumbling over, looks like. It's all ruins, that is."

A second castle would be needed, perhaps the Eyrie falling?

"When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east," said Mirri Maz Duur. "When the seas go dry and mountains blow in the wind like leaves. When your womb quickens again, and you bear a living child. Then he will return, and not before."

A setting sun in the East. Mountains blowing in the wind sounds like mountains bursting, like Dragonstone the land mass just exploding and/or the Eyrie toppling on it's peaks.
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