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[Book Spoilers] Show spoilers?!?


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This episode had a couple of short scenes that were either a nod towards the book readers and some of their theories, or maybe some interesting spoilers for the book readers watching the show.

Should be ready to see [show Spoilers] tag appearing in topics from now on?

I will get the red priestess out of the way first. We find her in Volantis preaching about the saviour of mankind, none other than the Dragon Queen. It seems that different followers of R'hllor can interpret the visions sent by their deity in more than one way, since she's in direct contrast to what Mel is preaching at the Wall.

But the inetresting thing in that scene is not the message she is preaching, but the strange look she is sending Tyrion's way when she is talking about the saviour. Is this a confirmation that his role in the future is much more important than he thinks it is,and is this a confirmation of him being one of the three heads of the dragon? If not a direct confirmation, I think it's at least a big pro for the head of the dragon/Targ lineage theories out there.

But the thing that really threw me a curve ball is the statues of the different deities asociated with the God of Death in different cultures. We see the lion, and the goat guy, and the Stranger, all of which we were expecting to see in the start of the episode.

But then things get really intersting, because I don't remember reading about the last three deities we see there in the book(on the other hand, it's been a looooong time since I last read the books, so I might be mistaken)

Last three representations of aspects of the Dead God inside the faceless men temple are:

1. The flaming heart of R'hllor. Hmmm,I guess Mel forgot to mention that aspect of her belief to Stannis when he sold him the AA spiel and the champion of the Lord Of Ligh(and Death). That 'fire consumes' line sounds a little more ominous now, does it not?

What do we know of the Red God so far:

-very into blood sacrifices of all kind, not a very nice thing

-concealing magic, but not oposed to using tricks, similar to what the FM are doing with the face changing, even if not the same

-shadowbabies/assasins, again, not a good point for them.

-rising people as fire zombies, with part of their soul missing. The trasnformation is not as bad as the one suffered by the ice zombies, but we can't say they are completely human anymore. Each ressurection makes the person lose more of his humanity. Again, not a very good thing, especially since we know of their ice contreparts preparing to do a do-over of the events that transpired 8000 years ago.

-the 'fire consumes' thing.

So far Mel talked about saving people, but all her actions were to kill/hurt people in various ways. So what is the truth?

2. A chunk cut form a (weirwood) tree witht the carving of a face. That looks very familiar, a shame I can't remember where I saw that before. It seems the Faceless Men remember some stuff about the Old Gods the northmen and the free folk forgot. The north remembers, yeah right.

So maybe Bran is not in the best company right now. After all, Bloodraven wasn't sent to the Wall for good behavior, they found him connected to a three atop a huge pile of skeletons nobody seems to pay any mind too, and the Old Gods are actually spirits of the dead warg/seers children that merget with the weirwood threes over the millenia. And we know they don't like humans all that much, after seeing their race almost wiped out and their sacred trees(containing the souls of their spiritual leaders/gods) desecrated for thousands of years.

Everyone seems to assume that the children were one homogenous group of people, but what if they had their factions like the humans do? Maybe there is a reason a group of children is trapped on the wrong side of the Wall.

Thought about that a while back, bud decided it was very unlikely, because I always though Bloodraven would have a hard time convincing Bran to hurt other people. But after seeing LF(the guy that betrayed her father) convincing Sansa with one line and no explanation to go marry the only other guy in the entire world that is worse than Joffrey and play nice to the guy that killed her brother, everything is possible(boy was that a huge waste of a perfect batch of black hair die).

I guess the questionj is what is Bran capable of doing to be able to get the chance to 'fly'.

3. A statue of a god covered in what would appear seaweed, so most likely the Drowned God, who should have been all about rebirth and all that, right?!?

The priests of the Drowned God 'kill' people all the time, but they also bring them back, 'stronger than before', but humans and alive all the same. Should we expect things to change after the 'winter is coming' part will be a fact, and not only a cool quote?

Or maybe magic will change the rite in some way, like it did with Thoros and his kiss of life. All his life he did the rites, but later it actually worked. Should we expect to see some superhuman krakens in the future of the books? Or stronger than before will reffer to them being turned into water/ice/fire/insert element here zombies?

So, Rhllor can bring back fire zombies from ded people, the Others can resurrect the dead bodies with ice magic, and the drowned men should be resurrected much stronger than before with water magic(we know the water magic is a thing because it was used by both the children and the mages fighting the Valyrian Freehold in GRRM's history book about the world of Westeros). Different elements, but same results. Could it be different representations of the same being, whith a single goal: pitching the humans against eachother until only their elemental reanimated bodies are left standing?

So, if all these deities are considered avatars of the god of death, should we start looking back at the actions of the followers of these deities and question everything they did so far as being for the good of the humans and their continuing existence away of the sweet embrace of death?

Or maybe I'm just overreacting and they just used those gods because they couldn't come with other ones on their own and it means nothing. Who knows?

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