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Little Finger Braavos and the fate of Stannis


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Personally I've thought LF has been working with the bank for a long time,they already have a ton of connections such as the fact that LF is a quarter Bravoosi and the fact at they've been doing business together for years, their endgame? Getting Baelish on the throne. And I think I have some more evidence. I think the bank sent the sellwords for Stannis so they keep tabs on him and Baelish told them too. Why? He's the only king who survived the war of the five kings and he's the rightful king. The fact that he's lasted this long is huge. At first I thought what would happen is the sellswords hired by the bank would help Stannis take the North then move on to the Riverlands and like the show was saying LF would use his forces to battle the victor of the battle of Winterfell and it would be Stannis. Then what would happen is the bank would order the sellswords to turn on Stannis and LF would crush him and they would then unite and take over the seven kingdoms. Then the season 5 finale came along with Stannis losing. At first I thought this debunked my theory but then I began thinking and came to the conclusion that it did the opposite. Think about it what sellsword group would abandon their employer right before battle? Their sellswords they have a reputation to uphold plus they probably would've won against the Boltons so why would they abandon Stannis? Because the bank told them to. Now LF has control of the North thanks to his alliance with the Boltons. But now your thinking how is this going to happen in the books? Well it's not I think Stannis is going to win the battle of Winterfell in the books but then leaves the question why would ey have him lose in the show and I think I've come with a simple solution for that too. Popularity. I stated watching the show long before reading the books and when I was first introduced to Stannis I hated him I thought how could that guy be a Baratheon? And I simply think that the show chose the Boltons over Stannis simply out of popularity. This doesn't mean they may not have a bigger role to come in the books but that doesn't mean they need to win the battle of Winterfell for that to come. So to sum up yes I think LF and the bank are working together, I think Stannis is going to win the battle of Winterfell in the books to then be crushed by LF, and I think someone needs to stop LF at some point because he's pretty much taking over the world and practically no one knows about it.

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LF screwed the IB out of a lot of money And the Iron Bank will have its due.


Around a million dragons is enough to allow the IB to start messing with the politics of Westeros. After all they will have their due.

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