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The idea of Bran saving Ned and/or Robb?


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Here's what I see:

Let's say that the 3ER is actually the guy we think he is, Brynden Rivers, Hand of the old King.  That makes him around 250 years old.  Late in life, after most of his life studying sorcery and what's left over of magic, he develops the sketchy ability to not just see backwards via the weirwoods, but actually be able to affect events, at first only to those who are actively listening (the priests of LOL, or sorcers using glass candles, as opposed to Bran's first attempt in the show at the TOJ where his call out is heard as a gust of wind).  So, here's this old man, near the end of his days, who learns he has this ability.  He gets himself stationed near the wall, away from the politics of the land, so he can go about his study while still maintaining a bit of his prestige (since he was a former hand, getting installed as the Lord Commander is simple).


At the wall he makes contact with the Children, and learns how the WW were created.  Near the end of his natural life, he learns he can actually change the past, but he can't do so to events that led him to the wall (ie..within his own time, where he's at all a part of the events he'll be shaping).  So, he figures out how to set up the wards on the magic cave north of the wall (with the help of the Children), and then goes to work on extending his own life via the Weiwoods, as well as starting to work on changing the past.  See, now that his past is safe from his own meddlings, he can do it safely.  He couldn't go back to prevent the DOOM, or the creation of the white walkers, because that would have changed him as well.  He sets things in motion, making tiny shifts here and there.  The direwolf delivery, whispering in the flames to the LOL priests and sorcerers.  


At the end of his life, unable to exist without the life support of the tree, he needed one of those two to take his place.  Figuring out who had the right set of gifts that was nearby, who he could get to travel to the cave (Jojen and Bran seemed to be the only two within range, and he got one to get the other).  


He just ran out of time for his plots to come about.  


The lingering questions for me include whether or not there is indeed even a Great Other or a Lord of Light, or if the 3ER is just his world's Wizard of Oz (ie..the man behind the curtain).



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23 hours ago, TexasDirewolf said:

I feel as if people might be missing the point of this thread. I don't believe the OP is asking if Bran CAN and will. It's more of a hypothetical question as in "IF Bran could do this, would he." I think it's bee more or less established on here that we're operating off of a single timeline.

Spot on, Texas. I know it's more than likely totally NOT possible, but I do love the idea of Ned or Robb returning. I am in no way getting my hopes up, but it is fun to imagine what it would be like! 

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On 5/23/2016 at 3:56 PM, iceheart91 said:

Okay, to be honest, I'm not quite sure how GoT's version of time travel works, or how capable Bran is of hopping back and forth between time periods, but I was thinking about the potential of what could come from his abilities. We know that to some extent, he can have an impact on the past. Look at how young Ned (possibly) heard him at the Tower of Joy. Look at how he was able to warg into young Hodor in Winterfell during last night's episode. Still not completely sure how that was possible, but if anyone could explain it, I'd appreciate it!

Anyway, I know there have probably been posts regarding how much he could change the past, but my question is, if he had the ability to save a loved one from death, would he and should he? I know there's a lot of controversy about it all, but for me, the only thing I'd be okay with Bran doing is if he went back to the moment when either Ned or Robb was about to die and saved either one of them. If he was able to do that without completely changing the whole story, do you think he'd succeed and, if so, what would be the next step? Who would you rather see fight against the WW's, Ned or Robb? Maybe this is completely wishful thinking but I thought it'd be a fun conversation! 

We still don't know exactly what happened with Hodor, some say young Hodor had a vision of his older self holding the door, or at least hearing Meera's commands and that just destroyed his mind. It might be that Bran warged both Hodor's selves at the same time. Way too complicated. If Bran realizes that he actually can, somehow, change past events he would try to prevent the falling of his family, and that scares me.

As for who would be the best in fighing the Others... I think both of them would be up to challege, both had warfare experience and led armies, but Jon is the one who knows what's going on beyond the wall, he is as accomplished as his brother and father. For me, Jon is the one who should lead the fighting against the WW.





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