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You have 20 good men, what do you do?


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If they are Ramsay's 20 good men that deserted before the battle of the bastards because they saw Jon has a fucking giant, then I'd just usurp the Iron Throne from Cersei and then open the doors of KL to Dany, then impregnate her with a bastard. Afterwards I'd just fuck off over to Esso to find, take and shag some Lorathi Handmaidens while the White Walkers brutally take over Westeros. Then like a week later I'd find out about 7 of my mistresses are also sleeping with my dad. So I'd become a kinslayer because that is all the rage nowadays.

Only thing missing is a witch turning me into a dwarf which I'll leave out to avoid getting sued by George...

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I would rather 20 scrawny little girls. They can take gut wounds then outrun trained killers, then defeat a previously unbeatable trained killer because they once did some fighting without sight. They can also persuade people with complete and utter faith to discard their religion and allow me to take a facemask. 

I would certainly be sending one of my 20 off to convince Sansa to allow thousands of Jon's men to die in order to be the saviour and you know what? I might even get her to say "fuck it, my little brother Rickon can die for all I care because Littlefinger, the untrustworthy game-player played me and I wasn't expecting that."

One man might go and tell Tyrion and Theon to ignore the fact that the last time they met, Tyrion pissed Theon off and not the other way around.

I may be daring and send a good man to instruct undead Benjen to leave a cripple boy miles away from the wall rather than take him right to the edge. Benjen is a busy man with a lot of admin to do, so he cannot be wasting his time taking one of the most important people to safety.

I would be sending one man to fight off the soldiers sent by Randyl Tarly to ride after Sam 'Mario' Speed-karter and retrieve his family sword.

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