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House Stark Changes From Book To Show

Lord of Farland

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In the books the Stark are clearly richer they do not wear leather like the show but white silk, grey velvet, white wool and silver jewellery. The Lord of Winterfell has a special silver goblet shaped like the head of a dire wolf. Not only do the Starks dress a lot better and drink form finer goblets, but even Benjine was finest blacks in this series.  In battle Robb wheres full plate as dose Jorry Cassel at The Hands Tourney.  Bran wheres silver jewellery just to go riding, Ned offers to pay for Sir Hughes Armour, Theon gives Reek AKA Ramsey Stark sliver. Cat gives the sailors of the Storm Dancer a stage each  and Stark Guards wear silver plated chain mail with silk capes fastened by a sliver broach. Finlay Winterfell is built from pure granite an opulent stone on its own but not only that book Winterfell is colossal in sizes. Why make the changes for show.   


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