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Want to sell #'d editions of GoT and CoK

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I'm looking to sell my copies of GoT and CoK numbered edition by Meisha Merlin. However, I have some questions first - I know that MM went under, but did anyone else continue the work they were doing? If this is the case and there is a continuous series (albeit by 2 different publishers), then I would prefer to try to find out who owns the other novels with my number so I can give them first chance to complete their set.

My other question is: does anyone remember what the price for these books were in USD?

Thanks all for your help. I'll probably end up selling them through these forums as I don't have an EBAY account.
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[url="http://subterraneanpress.com/"]Subterranean Press[/url] has published ASoS and is preparing to publish the AFfC limited editions.

I've no recollection of the price point for the books from MM, but they're probably worth a bit more than that these days.
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