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Pick 10 characters you think will survive at the end of the series


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Hello! Newbie here. :)

I agree with the person who said that 10 is a high number, especially given Martin's rather dark words about the close of the series. But, if we're being optimistic:

1. Sansa Stark

2. Bran Stark

3. Myrcella

4. The Queen of Thorns

5. Victarion (the man seems indestructible, for some reason)

6. Varys

7. Petyr Baelish (he's too smart to die)

8. Shireen

9. Tyrion

10. Sam

I think most of mine overlap with previous posters.

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POV Survivors:

1. Arya - like someone else said, she has to return to her "Starkness"

2. Sansa - ditto for her.

3. Tyrion - Although I agree that he should die at least at the very end, I don't think GRRM has the courage to kill him.

4. Bran - the three-eyed crow told him, "That is why you have to live. Because winter is coming." Okay, I paraphrased that quote, but that's why I expect Bran to survive. He's the shaman of House Stark.

5. Asha or Theon - One of them has to live, but I don't think both can survive. GRRM wants to eventually trim down the POVs so that they all fit in one book for TWOW. One of the two little Greyjoy heirs has to kick the bucket in order for that to happen, but I don't believe both of them will. House Greyjoy must continue.

6. Arianne or Quentyn - both of these siblings have POV chapters I think, and since we haven't met Quentyn yet, I don't know which one will be a better survivor. One of them must live to continue House Martell.

7. Jon Snow - because I can't bear anymore Stark deaths.

8. Samwell Tarly - His whole destiny is to become a fabulous maester with arcane knowledge, like Marwyn, and go back and help Jon defend the Wall. It would make no sense for him to die.

9. Aeron "Damphair" Greyjoy - He's too tough to die.

10. Areo Hotah, Prince Doran's captain of the guards - He's too awesome, and not necessarily in harm's way

Non-POV Survivors:

1. Willas will survive, to continue House Tyrell.

2. Rickon Stark, to continue House Stark.

3. Varys

4. Benjen


1. Stannis

2. Davos Seaworth

3. Jaime Lannister

4. Cersei Lannister

5. Kevan Lannister and Lancel Lannister

6. Loras and Margaery Tyrell

7. Melisandre

8. Doran Martell

9. Barristan Selmy

10. Robert Arryn

11. Littlefinger

12. Both the Clegane brothers

13. Daenerys Targaryen

14. Jorah Mormont

15. Brienne of Tarth

16. Jojen Reed

17. Victarion and Euron Greyjoy

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1) Jon Snow

2) Tyrion Lannister (No way is he going anywhere IMO.)

3) Bran Stark

4) Arya Stark

5) Rickon Stark

6) Sansa Stark

7) Arianne Martell

8) Aurane Waters

9) Olenna Tyrell

10) Garlan Tyrell

I'll be *shocked* if Littlefinger is kept alive. I'm 90% sure his ass is either going to be poisoned or flung out of the Moon Door. Maybe he'll be decapitated but whatever the case, dude has something vicious coming his way.

Walder Frey is going to get his too.

I can easily see Dany surviving but I'm hoping this isn't the case. I can't explain why I don't want her to survive because she's one of my favorite characters but I feel like her dying will make for a better ending. Not sure why.

I've accepted the fact that GRRM will eventually kill my favorite Lannister. It sucks to acknowledge it, but I'd have to be a fool to think that he'd let Jaime survive the whole thing.

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90% sure:

1) Sansa: I think she'll reunite with her surviving siblings at some point, but I don't see her ever returning to the north. Her future will be to help rebuild in the south.

2) Bran: He is summer and will help rebuild in the north as Sansa will in the south. I see him either becoming the new Lord of Winterfell or joing the wildings or skinwalkers and bringing more magic back into the world.

3) Gendry or Edric: one will continue the House of Baratheon.

4) Sam: Possibly the new Lord Commander if Jon dies.

5) a Tyrell or two: their house will continue.

50-50% chance:

6) Tyrion: I used to think he'd become Lord of Casterly Rock (the one thing his father would never desire). I also figure someone from each of the great houses will live and since Cersei, her children, and Jaime seem more likely to be on the chopping block, I picked Tyrion, especially as Martin loves him so. However, with the kinslaying and general direction his character seems to be headed, I no longer feel confident that he will live.

7) Jon: Might die, or might remain Lord Commander. Don't see him becoming king, even if R+L is true (in fact, if it is true I think he will live but remain in the Night's Watch, bittersweet ending for him).

8) Dany: might become queen, might die in the fight against the Others.

9) Rickon: depends on Martin's plan for Bran.

10) Myrcella: doesn't really deserve to die, but she's one of Cersei's children. If Tyrion dies, she's my next Lannister candidate to live.

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1. Bran Stark - Super awesome magical protege of the 3EC who lead the fight against the others

2. Arya Stark - Super awesome assassin. Even better then Ezio Auditore and up to par with Altaire. (Assassin's Creed)

3. Sansa Stark - Protege of LF. Ally the Vale and possibly Riverlands to the North

4. Jorah Mormont - Goes back to Westeros to be Lord of Bear Island. If Dany rules Westeros, he will seek her absolution.

5. Howland Reed - Regent for Rickon and tells Jon who his parents are before the last fated battle between the North and the Others.

6. Danaerys Targaryen - Might not end up ruling Westeros, but will go somewhere. (Possibly Valyria?)

7. Val - Impregnated by Jon Snow and has his child, who will get Longclaw when he comes of age.

8. Brynden Tully - To ensure the comeback of Riverrun - without the Freys in the picture.

9. Greatjon Umber - To kill Walder Freyin in savagery. Possibly cut of piece by piece, but healing after to ensure maximum suffering.

10. Ghost - After Battle of the Far North (Others) he goes on to continue the family name after Nymeria dies devouring every last Frey and Lannister.


I'll be *shocked* if Littlefinger is kept alive. I'm 90% sure his ass is either going to be poisoned or flung out of the Moon Door. Maybe he'll be decapitated but whatever the case, dude has something vicious coming his way.

Sweetrobin will get him.

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1-5. I think that all remaining Stark children will survive (including Jon Snow).

6.Samwell Tarly (him dying would be to much of a shock, judging by list almost no one believes that he will die)

7. Tyrion or Jamie Lannister (think that Tyrion have slightly better chance, but you never know)

8. Gendry (someone with Baratheon have to survive)

9. Bronn

10. Hodor

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Woah we have to predict 10 characters!

Ok I'll try, but I'm betting most POV characters are going to be dead, or dying at the end of the series.

1)Bran Stark

2)Rickon Stark

3)Samwell Tarly

4)Asha Greyjoy

5)Ariaane Martell


7)Edric Storm

8)Jon Snow

9)Ayra Stark

10)Sansa Stark

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An advice- never suspect grrm's courage about killing off characters from hi books. :fencing:

A character that is obviously his favorite and should have died a thousand times by now? Ya I think calling him too cowardly is a good call.

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