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[ADwD Spoilers] Top 10 favorite characters (post ADWD)


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the red viper


all because each character is both complex and genuine (in ways that standard fan-favourites ned and tyrion are not), and subvert stereotypes and expectations without being cliche about it (asha greyjoy, i'm looking at you)

jon, because he's a 'hero' character who learns lessons from the world around him (unlike rob, ned and cat), without being brutalised by them (jaime) and so genuinely is a true hero.

littlefinger, because that dude is one bamf.

and then in no particular order:

doran martell, robert baratheon (sorely missed), rhaegar targeryan (from what we hear) and roose bolton.

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1. Rhaegar (dead guy gets more coverage in the story than many living people <I am looking at you Quentyn! > )

2. Jon Snow

3. Tyrion

4. Bran (he almost dies every other book)

5. Mance Rayder (a hippie who can fight...its an all win situation)

6. Eddard Stark ( Would be higher on the list if he didnt die in the first five seconds)

7. Arthur Dayne (Sword of the awesome. Nuff Said)

8. Red Viper (So good we had to kill him)

9. BloodRaven (The man has the puppet strings and a tree growing out of his face)

10. Ygritte ..."you know nothing; forum theorists"

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Ok now I have to think about it for a while...

1. Arya

2. Jon

3. Bran

4. Tyrion

5. Dany

6. Jaime

7. Sam

8. Brienne

9. Ned

10. Maester Aemon / Mance Rayder, don't know which one!

There is a tie between Jon and Bran, and Tyrion and Dany and I'm still not sure which ones I prefer over the others. Listing a top 10 is almost pointless for me anyway because the characters always change places as I go on reading the books, and sometimes some other characters appear to take their places for a while. I thank GRRM for giving me so many favourites that it is impossible to rank them.

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1. Davos Seaworth... the man in every since of the word, as honorable and loyal as Ned Stark but actually inteligent in his decisions. If George ever kills him off...

2. Arya Stark.. I want my future daughter to be just like her minus the killing people part. Awesome character who needs to make her way back to Westeros ASAP.

3. Stannis Baratheon. A lot of this vote is because I love Davos so much, but also he's a good guy who's made a few unhonorable decisions but alls fare in love and war and he's the best king out there right now. Also the show made him look like the biggest BAMF in the final battle, first one over the wall chopping people's heads off. He's no Azor Ahai but his is the fury.

4. Jon "insert actual father's last name here". Self explanatory, as lord commander didn't make one bad decision showing he'll be a great leader if he is Azor.

5. Tyrion. Has to be in the top 5 especially since the show.

6. Victarion Greyjoy- Can't wait for his next chapters. He does not sow.

7. Gendry- He better come back.

8. Damphair- Can't wait for his POV.

9. Drogon- the only Targaryen doing anything useful.

10. Jaime- right at number 10 because George did a great job showing his transformation. Fuck Moon Boy.

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The top five is carved in stone since the end of A Storm of Swords

1. Robb

2. Tyrion

3. Stannis

4. Davos

5. Jaime

The others can be switched, but basically:

6. Arya

7. Brienne

8. Samwell

9. Beric

10. Asha

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1. Brienne of Tarth (go ahead forum, judge me)

2. Jaime Lannister (aka golden fool of my heart)

3. Tyrion Lannister (he entertains - and ocassionally makes my heart hurt - even while bitter and self-loathing)

4. Cersei Lannister (yeah, ok, so she's a horrible woman. Still a compelling and not entirely unsympathetic character. Also, yay, lions!)

5. Theon Greyjoy (particularly post GoT S2 + ADWD)

6. Sansa Stark (keeps on getting better and better, future Queen in the North, etc)

7. Arya Stark (not as engaging in the later books but still wonderful)

8. Catelyn Tully (and her hell-bent on vengange and destruction creepy alter ego)

9. Sam Tarly (the one I hope survives them all, ha!)

10. Ned Stark, I still think killing you in the first book was a stroke of genius, but that doesn't mean I don't miss youuuu

Not included but enjoyable: Jon, Dany, Bran, the Martells, Darling King Tommen and his kittens.

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These three switch around.

1. Davos

2. Tyrion

3. Jaime

These three are pretty set.

4. Jon

5. Ned

6. Arya

These are not really in any order

7. Bronn

8. The Direwolves

9. Varys

10. Jaqen H'Gar

And now for my LEAST favorite characters (in no particular order)

1. Theon

2. Dany

3. Sam (too whiny)

4. Joffrey

5. Brienne (boring)


7. Vargo Hoat (I hate having to read a lisp)

8. Grand Maester Pycelle

9. Robin Arryn

10. Freys

Honorable mentions:

Cercei (I love to hate her. Very interesting, great villain)

Sansa (last few books have brought her up a little)

Quentyn Martell (he shouldn't have been a POV)

The Cleganes

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1. Jon

2. Bran

3. Wyman Manderly

5. Davos

6. Sam/Tyrion

7. Ned/Val

8. Blackfish/Alys Karstark

9. Bloodraven/Brienne

10. Mance Rayder

And the place of honour - Arya Stark, for not forgetting who she really is...

I know, I know, it's 14, but I can't help it...

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1. Robb Stark

2. Stannis Baratheon

3. Arya Stark

4. Sansa Stark

5. Jon Snow

6. The Blackfish

7. Sandor Clegane

8. Tyrion Lannister

9. Mance Rayder

10. Jaime Lannister

Honourable mentions to: Brienne, Jorah, Davos, Bronn, Bran... Theon.

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There's no way to rank them, but here are ny 10 favourites in a rough order of BEST EVER to 10th best ever:






Tywin (because fuck you)





Special mention must be made to the whole Greyjoy family, they try so hard, and are so badass, yet they each erk me in their own special way.

Arya, you lost your way a bit when you left Sandor. FOOL OF A TOOK!

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