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[ADwD Spoilers] Top 10 favorite characters (post ADWD)


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This is my Top 10 based on the books, not on the show - I love the show but there are some characters I care much more in the TV show than in the books (Robb, Cat, Sersei, Varys, Tywin, Margery, even Tyrion) and vice versa (I am relatively indifferent to TV show Jon, Littlefinger, Renly, Loras, Sandor, Edmure), so here is my Top 10 of Book characters:

1. Jon - He is a good person and a good leader in the books.

2. Theon - he has really tragic and complex story

3. Sansa - the girl has a potential !

4. Arya - she scares me, but that's the point

5. Samwell - he is adorable

6. Varys - he is a dangerous bastard but at least he claims to do it all for realm

7. Quentyn - He is a decent guy with very human feelings and aspirations

8. Doran - I appreciate his life philosophy

9. Brienne - the best knight!

10. Edmure - because he cares about people.

Special mention - Aegon - some people presume he is arrogant and shallow - I haven't seen that (yet?) but I see a lot of promise, maybe I am an optimist. So I put him here, at least till TWOW

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Top Ten from the books, I don't watch the show. These have changed in the 17 years I have been dipping in the books

1. Tyrion

2. Eddard Stark

3. Arya

4. Varys

5. The Blackfish

6. Bran

7. Sam

9. Baristan Selmy

10. Jaime

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1. Arya- can't wait for her vengeance
2. Jon Snow- most excited about his story line

no particular order
Barristan- interesting to see the weathered old fighter in him

Blackfish- he survived for a reason, very curious about what happens with him
Oberyn- one of the most interesting characters, damn shame he had to go
Davos- another strong, loyal character. always admire that
Jaime- want to see if he dies a hero or villain
Loras- fun seeing a young, proud fighter coming into his own, but whats up with his injuries?
Brienne- nice to see a strong heroic female character
Sand Snakes- every one of them is the red vipers daughter and I love that

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Based on the books:

1 Sansa realistic, complex just love her arc

2 Eddard Stark, honorable to a fault good father and battle taction

3 Littlefinger, my favorite scumbag hope a bird claws his eyes out and shows him THE door

4 Samwell Tarley

5 Davos Seaworth Good father sensible man

6 Theon, a tortured soul

7 Catlyn Stark / LSH revenge best served cold

8 Varys what's his true game plus his game with Littlefinger

9 House Manderly, Frey pies and The Promise

10 Dolouros Edd great one liners and Jon Snow

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  • 4 months later...

1. Balon Swann- true knight who doesn't want to go with Cersei's plan

2.Shireen Baratheon- future queen that won't look down on smallfolks and is not scared of giants

3. Brus Buckler- least jerk of all of queen's men

4.House umber- still loyal for the stark by having they youngest warriors on Stannis side against Bolton

5.Davos- He will find Rickon and bring Rickon to Manderly

6. Bronze Yohn- Littlefinger consider a threat, so he most be smart

7.Stannis Baratheon-not scare of Ramsey

8.Doran Martell- like a snake, he just waiting to strike

9.The Reader- willing to stand up to Euron

10. Wun Wun- he befriended shireen and took out that poor example of a knight Ser Patrek

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Based on the books and in order

1. Arya

2. Tyrion

3. Sansa

4. Jon Snow

5 .Davos

6. ser Barristan

7. Maester Aemon

8. Dolorous Edd Tollett

9. Lord Manderly

10. Sam Tarly

Edit: misspelled a name

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  • 3 weeks later...

Come on people!!!! Give some love to the bit characters!!

1. Tywin "Mother F*@king" Lannister 1. Pod (due to his womanizing show powers)

2. The Stargaryen 2. Dolorous Edd

3. Imp slap! 3. Wylla Manderly

4. No One 4. Tormund

5. The Spider 5. HOT PIE

6. The Kingslayer 6. Satin

7. The Red Viper of Dorne 7. Grenn

8. Ser Bronn of the Blackwater 8. Cressen

9. The Gravedigger Lives!!!! 9. Gendry

10.The Queen of Thorns 10. Dacey Mormont

This is my non-Greyjoy list, because let's face it, they own!

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These characters aren't necasarily my favorites but they can help with all those Un-answered questions we have in this series, and as such, are characters I want to see more of.

1. Howland Reed

2. Maester Marwyn

3. BloodRaven

4. Mother Mole

5. Quaithe

6. Bennero

7. Euron Greyjoy

8. Brendyn Blackfish

9. Varys

10. Anybody except Melisandre

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1. Davos

2. Jon

3. Theon

4. Jaime

5. Tyrion

6. Asha

6. Stannnis

8. Melisandre

9. Varys

10. Wyman

If Davos and Jon, the only two consistently moral characters in the entire story, aren't near the top of your list, something's wrong with you.

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Arya (it is so great, that she is completly unpredictable. It is real fun to wonder about her future.)

Dany (I actually even liked her mereenese chapters. I am still dumfounded about the reader-reactions...)

Jon (I liked him from the beginning and still do.)

Sam (I somehow think I see myself in him (minus the weight-problems))

Theon (He got really interesting and gruesome I actually want him to die now. Isn´t it beautifully horrible?)

Sansa (She was one of my least favourite characters, but now I am really curious about her end-game)

Davos (He is just so nice. I just like him.)

Melisandre (I admit: I have a thing for evil sorceresses. But I really think most people are underestimating her capability and overestimating her evil nature.)

Bran (I wasn´t too much into his story in the beginning. But since he arrived north of the wall, I love his story.)

Asha (The only Greyjoy with something called brain. You gotta love her!)

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