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Just finished Game of Thrones

your grace

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I'm dying to know what happens next. I know i read 800 pages setting up the next 900+. should i move on to clash of kings? i have both books in front of me. i cannot wait for winter to come but i feel like theres a ton i could get out of game of thrones if i read it again. apparently everyones clothing means something, i got none of that. some of the dreams i didnt really get, idk if they were symbolizing/foreshadowing anything (assuming they are). as for jons parents....someone elsewhere already ruined it for me. but still i had a feeling his mother is the one popularly believed to be his mother and i blew it off due to other information i thought was concrete, and i feel like i could find more evidence of that.

on the other hand sh*t is about to hit the fan.

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I finished GoT some 10 days ago, and am half-way through the CoK already. I am pretty addicted to the story by now :-) .

I am looking forward to when I will have all books read, and finally will be able to read whole of this forum. But at the same time, I am horrified of the waiting for the rest of books to come out. Can not imagine what it is like for people who stick with it from the beginning :-)

But one thing struck me pretty hard. How is it possible I did not know about this series for so long? All talk is about Tolkien, Pratchett and Sapkowski around me. I can not even recall anyone so much as MENTION this series, and I know more than few people with interest in fantasy/history/both. I have read books from all three authors mentioned above, plus Paolini, Ursula le Guin, Heitz and also a few less known authors, but this far I haven't stumbled upon George Martin. I will never understand how is it possible.

Thanks HBO for making the show, without which I probably still would not know of this series. I watched season 1 from pure boredom, and was blown away. When I realised it is based on book series, it resulted in Amazon box set order almost immediately. And even after reading GoT, I am very pleased by how close the show was to the book. I watched it again, and it is perfect, hope that it remains same for the later seasons.

There is just one very bad thing about ASOIAF. Where the hell am I supposed to find time for school, beer, and all the other things? I will have to be fast about the reading so I can get back to this whole life thing :D

Also I wish, I could remember the relationships of everyone to everyone a little better for better understanding of what precisely is going on, but I can't force myself to going back to the beginning, and starting again :-(

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Having re-read the series multiple times i would heavily recommend doing another read. Since you haven't read the rest of the series you wont get how the little details connect until much later. I would recommend paying special attention to the prophecies, dreams, and histories that are described. My mind got blown away at how connected the whole world is in the series, and how much meaning all of the little things hold.

Also, though, having re-read the books multiple times i know how hard it is to put down once started. Reading the whole series before you start over may be a better option, but for me at least i was constantly going back to previous books to read passages that are explained later in the sreries.

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But one thing struck me pretty hard. How is it possible I did not know about this series for so long? All talk is about Tolkien, Pratchett and Sapkowski around me. I can not even recall anyone so much as MENTION this series, and I know more than few people with interest in fantasy/history/both. I have read books from all three authors mentioned above, plus Paolini, Ursula le Guin, Heitz and also a few less known authors, but this far I haven't stumbled upon George Martin. I will never understand how is it possible.

I agree. I discovered GoT in my senior year of highschool 09/10. I hadnt heard of the series before or of Martin at all. I only found out about it from searching the library computer for fantasy books. Then i found out it had been out for over 10 years i was extremely surprised/ excited, there were already 3 other books out, another to be on the way, and 2 others that have been planned. I guess because our culture is so media related it takes movies (LoTR) or a tv show (SoIaF) to make it really popular these days.

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I just started reading CoK (only a few pages into the prologue) and I think I noticed something. So far, it sounds kinda dark and grim. With that, I'm starting to think GRRM has a similar mindset as JK Rowling in the sense that she meant for Harry Potter to get darker as the series progressed. What do you think?

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