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Spoiler -> UnCat = good or evil?


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Well, she has killed Jinglebell; no, he's actual age is not that of a child (I think he is in his 50s), but he is severely mentally disabled. In my book, a child in all but chronological age.

But, as the Late Lord Walder Frey himself pointed out, he was not a son, but a grandson. Heh heh

Here's a thought...Given that Stoneheart gave Brienne a trial, and thus every opportunity to save herself within Westerosi standards, perhaps she used Pod as a manipulative tactic to get Brienne to do exactly what she, Stoneheart, knew she would do...cave. Cruel, yes. A tactical move worthy of a seasoned battle commander? Rather like threatening to use a trebuchet to deliver babies, isn't it?

Not evil. Battle hardened. Bitter. Vengeful. Disillusioned. Myopic. Bent.

Evil would have been to hang Pod, and bring Brienne to her noose after the fact.

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The Late Lord Walder Frey?? Did he die? When did that happen?

Is this sarcasm?

He's not dead. Hoster Tully referred to Lord Walder as The Late Lord Frey because he was notorious for only engaging in wartime when a clear victor was established. That way, he assured his continued station, with fewer complications or losses.

But, if this is sarcasm, then, well, heh heh as it were. :)

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Is this sarcasm?

He's not dead. Hoster Tully referred to Lord Walder as The Late Lord Frey because he was notorious for only engaging in wartime when a clear victor was established. That way, he assured his continued station, with fewer complications or losses.

But, if this is sarcasm, then, well, heh heh as it were. :)

no, i wasn't being sarcastic....i had completely forgotten about that nickname.......does cat call him that as well? cause we never get a hoster POV

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Quizz, who said that:

I want them all dead, Brienne. Theon Greyjoy first, then Jaime Lannister and Cersei and the Imp, every one, every one. But my girls . . . my girls will . . .

It makes it seem like Arya might take after her mother as well as her father. Everyone's got their list. Checkin it twice...

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So, if revenge justifies killing, why do you say this:It's revenge here too. That's some double standard you have.

Mainly, since we're speaking of personality and behaviour, it differs in that Ned does not want to do it, and he even needs some meditation in a godswood afterwards, while Arya is eager to kill, full of anger and hate.

It also differs in that Ned is a lord rightfully, publicly upholding laws of his country, on the country's soil, while Arya is no lord, and enforces another land's laws unlawfully, in back alleys.

It's the difference between death penalty and murder. One could also bring the difference between Ned and Joffrey. Arya acts like Joffrey in this instance (he's a criminal: off with his head.)

Still, Joffrey was wrong about Ned's "criminal" behavior (and Joffrey WAS a sadistic bastard, dagnabit), while Arya was correct about the NW deserter. IIRC deserters' lives are forfeit wherever they go, back alleys included. They said the words. I think any Westerosi has the right to kill them anywhere.

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Still, Joffrey was wrong about Ned's "criminal" behavior (and Joffrey WAS a sadistic bastard, dagnabit), while Arya was correct about the NW deserter. IIRC deserters' lives are forfeit wherever they go, back alleys included. They said the words. I think any Westerosi has the right to kill them anywhere.

A brother of the NW life is forfeit whereever they go, if they abandon their post. Arya was within her rights with what she did, just not how she did it. But, she didn't exactly have an authority figure (a Westerosi lord) to deliver Dareon to, so she didn't have many options.

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