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Do you like Robert?

Gingerly Grumkin

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I think these quotes about yeltsin sum up Robert well:

Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin was always good for a laugh, which is probably why on the occasion of his death people outside of Russia are not calling him words like scum and monster, but instead recalling him fondly, with a smile, as one would a retarded nephew who could always be counted on to pull his pants down at Thanksgiving dinner.

With his drunkenness, his talent for making a slobbish spectacle of himself in front of the civilized leaders of the world, his apelike inability to wear a suit, his perfect and instinctive amorality, his effortless thievery, and his casual use of lethal force, he represented a type intimately familiar to all Russians.


Robert was a king, the ruler of westeros. Its his job to rule well, and he did a terrible job. Judging him based on how good of a drinking buddy he'd be (personally I'd think he be a terrible one, the type who'd puke while in a cab and than leave you to deal with the taxi driver) is rather ridiculous imo. He's not the town drunk, he's supposed to rule. No leader should ever get a pass because they are "a fun guy", or are "deep down a good person", when their corruption, mismanagement, and neglect cause misery for millions. Sadly as one can see by the positive obits yeltsin got in the west, its something that occurs just as much today.

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I liked him. He was seriously flawed, but he wasn't evil. He had good intentions, they just happened to be buried deep down inside and masked with alcholism and moral cowardice. But he's a very interesting character nonetheless. He's on the top five people I'd liked to have seen a POV for.

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We dont know if he was gleeful...personally i think he just kept an impassive face and refused to admit that there was anything wrong with killing "dragonspawn"

I agree with Robert,a good targ is a dead targ

...wow, seriously? A 1 year old and a 4 year old deserve to die because they're the children of the most respected Prince in living memory? I don't know what to say. Well I do know what to say but it wouldn't be appropriate.

Still who would u prefer to be king RIGHT AFTER the rebellion was done,ned stark???? Jaime??? Tywin ??? Oh plzz..

Robert was best choice at that point...

Aegon should have been crowned and groomed for the throne by Jon Arryn and Ned Stark. Robert should have been locked up in Storm's End where he couldn't do any damage. The rebellion was to overthrow Aerys. Only Robert and Tywin had a grudge against all Targaryens and for both of them it was totally personal, not practical.

“If I had seen Robert smile over the red ruins of Rhaegar’s children, no army on this earth could have stopped me from killing him.”

I guess I misread that quote to mean that Robert had smiled but Barristan hadn't seen it rather than if Robert had smiled he'd have killed him.

Thanks for the quote. This is how I read it as well - I don't think you misread it.

Barristan wasn't present when Rhaegar's children were presented by Tywin. Barristan is saying that if he had been there and seen Robert's reaction for himself, he probably wouldn't have been able to restrain himself. As it was, he managed to put his personal feelings aside and serve Robert, thinking of it as a temporary lapse in Robert...

To me if you look at what Robert said to Ned it's pretty clear he was pleased with it "I see no children... all I see is dragonspawn." Another time, Ned brings up the children and Robert blows up at him, clearly not repentant at all even 15 years later.

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About Robert, I always have found it weird that he never realized that he almost never managed to have vaginal sex with Cersei and she still got pregnant thrice. Cersei says that the pleasured him "in other ways" and that he was too drunk to remember afterwards, but, wouldn´t a man so drunk as to not remember anything be able to..."perform"?

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I liked him. He was seriously flawed, but he wasn't evil. He had good intentions, they just happened to be buried deep down inside and masked with alcholism and moral cowardice. But he's a very interesting character nonetheless. He's on the top five people I'd liked to have seen a POV for.

Yeah he had such great intentions regarding the lives of several children


People want to hang out with this guy??????????????????? :stillsick: :stillsick:

Wtf, all he does is drink and yell at people, even his best friends. He's constantly complaining, arguing and throws a fit when he doesn't get what he wants.

He's a complete jackass, and if you honestly think he'd be a consistent good friend I question your social judgement.

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