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ASOIAF Twenty Questions - v.35


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1) Not a character

2) Not an object

3) It's in Westeros

4) It's a place

5) It's an artificial place

6) Not north of the neck

7) It's not a castle

8) It's a single building or structure

9) It's not in riverlands

10) It's north of KL (KL included)

11) It's in KL

12) It's not the Baelor Sept

13) it's between the walls of the Red Keep

14) I'm almost sure it's in a tower

15) I'm almost sure it's in the tower that gets burned down

16) It isn't the black cells

17) It isn't a tunnel

18) It's a specific room

19) It's neither Arya's chambers nor the place where she practiced. Even though it's possible that Arya used it :D

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