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Obscure characters you want to know more about


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Which characters would like to find out more about / have play a bigger role in the upcoming books? Mine are

1) Willas Tyrell

Facsinating character I hope to get some POV out of him

2) Darkstar

Definitely there is more to him than meets the eye. I see his relationship to Arthur Dayne as similar to that of Viscerys towards Rhaegar (admiration but a sense that no matter what he does, it can't match up to the legendary relative).

3) Aurane Waters

He took off with the royal fleet. I'd like to know where he went

4) Pate

The most mysterious of the bunch. Anything surrounding the maesters, the dragons and possibly the FM is a topic of interest to me.

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Leyton Hightower: he's obviously up to something, locked in his castle. Whether the rumors are true and it has to do with some kind of magic, I don't know. It may end up being nothing but we know something is going to go down in Oldtown.

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Leyton Hightower: he's obviously up to something, locked in his castle. Whether the rumors are true and it has to do with some kind of magic, I don't know. It may end up being nothing but we know something is going to go down in Oldtown.

Oldtown is the key to many of the books mysteries including, if you believe in it, the theory that the maesters destroyed the dragons

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Oldtown is the key to many of the books mysteries including, if you believe in it, the theory that the maesters destroyed the dragons

It'd be hilarious if magic actually ended up saving Oldtown with the maesters so ardent about ridding the world of it. I don't think it will work out that way, but still.

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It'd be hilarious if magic actually ended up saving Oldtown with the maesters so ardent about riidding the world of it.

I think there is more to the maesters than meets the eye. I think they are GRRM's version of the Illuminati. There are lots of symbols, the chain links to me resemble the rings of the Free Mason, the citadel Vs the masonic temples . . . the fact that they are inserted in every center of politics and military actions.

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I think Willas and Garlan Tyrell are quite fascinating from what we've heard so far. And we haven;t heard a lot. So, I'd like to learn more about them, especially Garlan, who is described as a Jack of all Trades. A great swordsman, good at diplomacy,and knows how to play the game of thrones.

Another character I'm very interested to learn more about is Leyton Hightower. He's one of the richest, most powerful and influential people in the Realm, and the only thing he's done in the past 2 decades is read books that may or may not have something to do with magic. He's definitely an enigmatic character, and I think he'll have a larger role to play later in the series.

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Gylbert Farwynd, Lord of The Lonely Light. His people are suspected to warg spotted whales and walruses and at the kingsmoot he spoke of leading the ironborn to some kind of promised land.. I barely noticed on my first read but during my re-read this guy just stuck out to me as interesting.

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Gylbert Farwynd, Lord of The Lonely Light. His people are suspected to warg spotted whales and walruses and at the kingsmoot he spoke of leading the ironborn to some kind of promised land.. I barely noticed on my first read but during my re-read this guy just struck out to me as interesting.

To that extend Aeron Damphair is interesting as well in that regards. He may not be as obscure as the other ones but there is definitely some mystery surrounding him.

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