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Daenerys: Rethinking and Remapping a Protagonist


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When is the next post?

Good question.

I'm not entirely sure when the next post is coming out.

I have to question the use of Viserys' "waking the dragon" comments and ascribing so much meaning to them. This is just the "catch phrase" (for lack of a better term) for an abuser who grew up with little to no true guidance. I doubt we'd be putting much credance to such a term if it came out of Joffrey's mouth just before having Sansa beaten. "Now you've woken the Lion!" Joffrey and Viserys came about their views on what it means to rule in different ways but they come down to the same thing. I'm in charge and I will do what I wish and there is nothing anyone can do to stop me. Only their scope is different. Joff eventualy has all the seven kingdoms seeminly in his power but Viserys can only command and punish Dany.

Thanks for posting!

The significance of Viserys' waking of the dragon is not the phrase itself, nor the usage of the phrase, IMO, but rather what it implies and represents for Dany. On the surface, yes, it's just a catch phrase, but when analyzed, you can see that this is what Viserys thinks that a dragon is supposed to be and due to the fact that he practically raised Daenerys, this is one of the notions of the 'dragon' that Dany knows best. In essence, this is the notion of the dragon that Dany first knew, and she both feared it and respected it. Although Dany develops her own independent view on what it means to be a dragon, we see that Viserys has greatly influenced that view, as shown in subsequent books. (Sorry for going ahead).

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Of course the Dothraki have a cultural dislike of the dragon as it represents the one thing that has challenged or could challenge their supremecy on the Dothraki Sea.


Again, I'd say that this is not the entire story. The Dothraki view is probably more nuanced, or at least more complicated than the one you put forth. I'd bet that, at least, they have respect for many of the people who have called themselves dragons. What made Drogo consider marrying Daenerys? Why did he accept Illyrio's offer of a meeting and a possible betrothal? Most likely, he was sold on the idea of mating with a direct descendant of Aegon the Conquerer.

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