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GoT DVD sales

The Anti-Targ

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According to this site sales tracking site GoT season 1 made $33 million in DVD (not Blu-ray) sales in the USA and Canada.


According to the same website the combined week 1 DVD and Blu-ray sales for season 2 is $16 million, again USA and Canada.



From the week 1 chart it appears that Blu-ray sales are higher than DVD sales. So one can surmise that GoT season 1 combined DVD and Blu-ray sales from USA and Canada alone comes in at $65 million. DVD Revenue-wise it was the top selling TV series, number of units-wise it was number 2 (behind Big Bang Theory). This means GoT 1 outsold True Blood 4 in both revenue and number of units. GoT is HBO's DVD cash cow.

On a worldwide basis it seems like HBO, with their cut of the DVD and Blu-ray sales, would pretty much cover their production costs for the series with these sales.

With numbers like this, the TV series surviving through to the very end of the story looks pretty likely, provided they keep up the quality of the show.

It's also no wonder HBO feels like they can bump up the production budget a fair bit.

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