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[book spoilers] Shireen/patchface

A Winters Summer

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So, IMO the song was really unsettling as well as the end credit song. Though I never thought of it as song, just ravings of a lunatic.

Will Shireen absorb PatchFace in the show? I think it may be a good idea, but I never paid much attention to PatchFace in the books untill I found this forum after ADWD. Your thoughts? Also, who kisses Shireen on the Greyscale, I can't remeber?

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We may or may not see Patchface in the TVseries, the writer said as much in the interview. I'm not sure what to think of this, though.

But, I have to say, Shireen is exactly what I thought she'd be. Like, exactly. The little actress does a great job. I really liked her interactions with Stannis and Davos.

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I expected the grayscale to be more pronounced. There's a loss of feeling associated with grayscale as well, but I don't recall if there's localized paralysis or not. Obviously the gray men can move, something more like botox paralysis in the surface muscles of the face. Paralysis or not, it didn't seem as pronouced as I'd pictured...you'd need to use more of a hard prosthesis and less of a makeup approach to portray that, and maybe it didn't work, or it was just too gruesome for viewers. So Shireen gets a partial "cure" on TV, like Tyrion's nose damage. Doesn't change the plot, she obviously has SOMETHING going on, and the only significance of it is Wildlings thinking she should be killed, so far.

Politically, a claimant king's only child having a serious illness could be a problem, but we are FAR from the problem with Stannis behing king is who comes AFTER Stannis.

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