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Wights in Kings Landing, and the Valonqar - A theory!


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I've been thinking about Maggy the frogs prophecy lately, and it occurred to me that there's a possible Valonqar who doesn't often get brought up.

“ Cersei:"Will the king and I have children?"

Maggy:"Oh, aye. Six-and-ten for him, and three for you."

Maggy:"Gold shall be their crowns and gold their shrouds," she said. "And when your tears have drowned you, the valonqar shall wrap his hands about your pale white throat and choke the life from you."

The prophecy reads "the Valonqar" rather than "your Valonqar". It's an interesting choice to phrase it like this, and seems to keep it deliberately ambiguous. Cersei immediately thinks its Tyrion, which knowing GRRM means its almost certainly not. Jamie is a distinct possibility but he is rather singular when it comes to hands, and the prophecy does say hands.

But if you look at the way it's phrased, the mention of the Valonqar comes straight after describing the fates of Cerseis children. Which would make Tommen the Valonqar!

Now I know that the prophecy implies that Cerseis must outlive her children. And there's no way that a sweet boy like Tommen would ever hurt anyone. Now if only there was some power that could reanimate the dead and cause them to turn them on their loved ones...

Its pretty likely that the Others are going to find a way past the wall. And when that happens, nowhere in Westeros is safe, not even the Red Keep. What I think could happen is Tommen is killed by the Others. Cerseis goes mad with grief. When she sees her little boy, who she thought was dead, get up again, nothing could possibly stop her getting him. And that's when Tommen-wight will wrap his dead hands around his mothers throat!

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I saw this too. The not your. It could be anyone really. I would say possibilities are:

Jaime- he came out second

Gerion- he has a connection to Valyria (valonqar) and is Tywin's little brother, if he is still alive

Tommen- ya that would be cool. I noticed that wights often kill be strangling and this would be cool, but could also work for Jaime

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I'm trying to think of a way for the White Walkers to kill Tommen without Cersei being there. If KL is under seige by White Walkers, I think Cersei, being even more protective of Tommen than she was of Joffrey during the Blackwater, won't let Tommen out of her grasp, let alone her sight. So in order for a White Walker to kill Tommen, they're probably going to have to kill Cersei first. Which, according to the prophecy, isn't how it happens.

I think Tommen will need to die by the hands of an assassin, or someone good at hiding an sneaking, because, like I said, Cersei will be by his side at all times. Now that Kevan has been killed, with the suspect still at large, Cersei will want to be extra close to Tommen.

I think Tommen's death will come by Varys or Aegon's army. I can't see Tommen living past that threat.

It almost has to be an assassin (or Varys) who kills Tommen because Cersei has to outlive him. I can't see a large army killing Tommen but letting Cersei live. I believe they will both die similarly to Kevan and Tywin. They'll never see it coming.

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Thanks for bringing this up. Interesting theory. I forgot about the phrase you quoted, "Gold shall be their crowns and gold their shrouds". What does that mean? That her 3 children will all have a turn sitting the IT (gold crowns) before Cersei gets it? Or just that they are pure Lannister with their golden hair and Lannister gold symbolism? And why the shrouds? A shroud to me represents a burial sheet - does that merely mean all 3 children will die first before the Valonqar happening?

When that phrase is put in perspective of the sequence of events happening one after another, the idea of Tommen being the Valonqar actually works.

I'd add that it's clear by the end of AFFC Tommen is beginning to have strife with Cersei, and we all know that Wights retain a bit of their former memories ...

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Crack-pot theory time.

Couldn't the valonqar, meaning the brother, imply say a brother of the NW?

In that case the brother would most likely be the LC, yes?

It doesn't just mean brother,It means younger brother.

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Is there anyone out there with an interest in grammar who can tell us whether its makes more sense for "the Valonqar" to refer to Tommen. It certainly seems that way to me.

The other possibility is that the attack doesn't have to have to be in Kings Landing. If Cersei and Tommen are forced to flee back to Casterley Rock the attack could come on the road which would make it easier for them to be separated - it would only take a few minutes.

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