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Houses that could easily see their lines wiped out

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Do you have a source for this?

Because afaik the only info we have is that he lost movement in his legs. I'm not even sure if his spinal cord was damaged or just his legs. A lot of guys who can't move the legs have sex all the time. It varies a lot, sometimes guys can't feel it and sometimes they can't do it at all. But a lot of them can;

You ninjad me damn, but yes there is no support to prove that Bran cannot have children. He has a common case of being paralyzed from the waist down from what weve seen, people in th real world who have this condition ussually can reproduce, sex is gonna be a bit droll but Bran most likely can still pump out little Starks.

Also Rickon is perfectly able just saying.

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It's amazing to me when I think of all the noble houses that are this close to seeing the end of their line. Just look at the lines of succession in some of these major houses:

  1. Stark: Bran (crippled), Rickon (not necessarily safe)

  2. Baratheon: Stannis. Just Stannis.

  3. Tully: Edmure (how many heirs can he produce in captivity?), Blackfish

  4. Arryn: Sweetrobin (holy smokes, the odds of him reproducing aren't good)

And you could probably name a host of minor houses with similar problems. I know some of those houses might still have cousins in their "line of succession", but I think we'd know about extended families of the major houses if they existed.

Sweetrobin is actually a Targ anyway, so the Arryn line is dead.

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House Baratheon is the one in most critical condition, for them to survive either Stannis has to become king and then legitimize Edric Storm, Gendry, etc. as Baratheons, or if he fails, at least one of Tommen or Myrcella has to survive and propogate while not being exposed for the fakes that they are.

Also House Bolton if they lose the North and are put to the sword.

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Do you have a source for this?

Because afaik the only info we have is that he lost movement in his legs. I'm not even sure if his spinal cord was damaged or just his legs. A lot of guys who can't move the legs have sex all the time. It varies a lot, sometimes guys can't feel it and sometimes they can't do it at all. But a lot of them can;

(Removed- topic too serious for forum)

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btw, since this is a serious subject I will elaborate a little. If he is completely paralyzed from the waste down, which seems apparent based on the slicing of his legs when on the horse, as well as other instances where he admits to no feeling, the odds of him getting an erection are slim. If he does get an erection, the odds of him ejaculating are basically zero. Even if he does somehow ejaculate, the odds that that he has viable sperm is also severely limited due to paralysis of the sexual organs and testes. When you hear about people having sex in our world it is almost always through expensive treatments and medications like Viagra and penile injections. When you see parapalegic men who can naturally have sex, they are usually not completely paralyzed (limited nerve damage). Bran has never shown an inkling of feeling but that by itself is not definitive. Regardless, if you wanted to gather sperm from him, you would need special tools to do so and then you would need to artificially inseminate. Are there exceptions? Of course. Is it likely? Unfortunately, no.

Source: I went to medical school but I am not a practicing md.

Ahh, that's sad. So that means it's all up to Rickon and Jon now. I'm pretty sure Rickon will survive the series and have Stark kids.

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Stark: Bran (crippled), Rickon (not necessarily safe)

What about Arya & Sansa & Jon Snow?

Baratheon: Stannis. Just Stannis.

What about Shireen? She's still alive.

Tully: Edmure (how many heirs can he produce in captivity?), Blackfish

I doubt this line is in any danger since Roslin is pregnant.

Arryn: Sweetrobin (holy smokes, the odds of him reproducing aren't good.

I'd agree this line is pretty much dead.

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Minor houses are largely difficult to speculate about because even with GRRM's shocking level of detail, you don't get into the cousins and nephews and even some of the siblings of the characters that are introduced.

Much of this will be irrelevant after the Others wipe 90% of the human population of Westeros off the map.

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Stark: Bran (crippled), Rickon (not necessarily safe)

What about Arya & Sansa & Jon Snow?

Baratheon: Stannis. Just Stannis.

What about Shireen? She's still alive.

Tully: Edmure (how many heirs can he produce in captivity?), Blackfish

I doubt this line is in any danger since Roslin is pregnant.

Arryn: Sweetrobin (holy smokes, the odds of him reproducing aren't good.

I'd agree this line is pretty much dead.

I'm assuming that the house would have to survive through the male line.

Of the minor houses, I think I agree that the Greyjoy line is in serious jeopardy. The Cleganes are flat out gone (even if The Hound is alive, I don't think he's in baby-making mode). Plenty of the Northern houses are in serious jeopardy due to the War (although I"m sure there are some Bolton cousins out there that have thus far gone unmentioned that can step up assuming that Ramsay is unable to produce children before someone kills him).

In general, I'm not a surprising lack of cousins in a lot of these families. Maybe because then GRRM would be quadrupling the number of named characters.

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Are we talking family names or genes? The name Baratheon may be in trouble, but Robert had 16 bastards, so I'm pretty sure kids with black hair and blue eyes will plague Westeros for generations to come.

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I'm assuming that the house would have to survive through the male line.

Not a safe assumption. There's talk of children taking their mothers' name to keep family names alive, read up in the thread for references.

The Cleganes are flat out gone (even if The Hound is alive, I don't think he's in baby-making mode).

You've clearly not heard of SanSan. It is known. Additionally, just because Gregor's dead doesn't mean he can't make babies. And with his documented propensity for whoring and pillage-related rape, he's possibly got an army of bastards, waiting to be legitimized by Tommen's equally well documented love of signing and sealing bad legislation.

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Not a safe assumption. There's talk of children taking their mothers' name to keep family names alive, read up in the thread for references.

Even still, had Tyrion put a child in Sansa before his whole patricide/exile thing, that would've been a Lannister child, not a Stark. Even if the child had been called "Stark" anyway, everyone would know that it was a Lannister.

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