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Battle of Blackwater 2.0

Stan the Man Baratheon

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Patchface as a character has always intrigued me and i always had a belief that he more than just a fool. To see two patchface's prophecies fulfilled, scroll down to the patchface section.

One prophecy of Patchface has always interested me.

I will lead it. We will march into the sea and out again. Under the waves we will ride seahorses, and mermaids will blow seashells to announce our coming, oh, oh, oh.

Now my translation:
Seahorses: Aurane Waters (House Velaryon Sigil)
Mermaids: Manderly sigil
Seashells: One poster suggested that it had something to do with the sigil of House Westerling which is six seashells @ Blutraven. while one poster suggested it had something to do with sansa i;e The "seashells" could pertain to Sansa as well- the boat that took her to the Vale has a figurehead of a merman blowing on a great seashell horn. @ ( Bloodraven )
I tend to agree with the latter poster that it has something to do with Sansa and Vale since there is no connection between House Westerling & Stannis or his southron Knights yet.

Now Location of the players who are part of this prophecy or who i believe to be part of prophecy:
Aurane Waters as we know from the sample Arianne chapter is at

Stepstones engaged in piracy

Manderly's have ridden with the frey's to engage Stannis's host at Crowfood Village.
Sansa as we know is on the rise to assume power in the Vale.
The players of this prophecy seems to have neutral to good relations with House Baratheon of Dragonstone.
Aurane Waters: Formerly part of Stannis's host which fought the Battle of Blackwater. Relations now Neutral.
Manderly: Has agreed to swear fealty to Stannis if Davos brings Rickon.
Sansa: Neutral opinion of Stannis, but that might change to positive if Stannis helps in restoring the North back to the Starks.
Stannis's gamble for Kingslanding:
Even if GNC plays out, Northerners aren't going to leave Stannis empty handed. They might give Stannis a few thousand soldiers and a fleet to ride south. Aurane Waters with his newly built fleet of drommonds surely has something big in his plans

other than being engaged in piracy

Sansa Stark could be interested in flexing her muscles by supporting Stannis against the people who have destroyed her family. This all culminates into what i believe will be Battle of Blackwater 2.0.
Note: Some posters suggested that this prophecy is based on hardhome since they were talking about Hardhome at that time. But i don't see Stannis making a play for hardhome, same goes for manderly's, waters and sansa.
Hole in my theory: I don't know how Aurane Waters will join Stannis same goes for Sansa. If you have some reasons please state.

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I put some money in waters, it fits with what patchface said, and also when he was gone from KL it was the major opinon: either he was going with Stannis or to become a pirat....best thing is, that as seen with Saalador, Stannis lets you be both.

Yeah Waters can always join Stannis, but i think he will have to pay something for his bending the knee to the crown.

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My reading of where Waters went with the ships was that it was rumored he was where they say he is but is he really? He may already be heading to Stannis.

Cerseis "redshirth" hand belives he has gone with Stannis, and Pycelle thinks he is going to become a pirat...

there are rumors in one of Ariannes WOW chapters, that a pirate with big ships is plundering down south, but he might be aswell Sallador

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Cerseis "redshirth" hand belives he has gone with Stannis, and Pycelle thinks he is going to become a pirat...

there are rumors in one of Ariannes WOW chapters, that a pirate with big ships is plundering down south, but he might be aswell Sallador

Yes according to the Arianne sample chapter

there is someone engaged in piracy on Step-stones

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