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New Look at Guessing Games: Who you want to sit the Iron Throne


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Hi all! Welcome to the 4th New Guessing Game :grouphug:

A big congratulations to PancakeMountainThatRides for winning the last new GG: Best single combat warrior

Also a big thank you to Bustard for not only creating the game but also for being a most gracious and excellent host for the first 3 :D

This rounds topic is: Who you want to sit the Iron Throne. Please let this be distinguished from who you think will sit the IT. There doesn't have to be any textual support behind your list this is simply who you would like to see ruling.

- Dead people are allowed but let's keep it within the reign of King Aerys II up. So to clarify if someone lived during the reign of the Mad King on up to the present, even if they have subsequently died, they are fair game.

- No animals - no direwolves, dragons etc.

- No magical creatures of any kind - so no giants, no CotF only people.


Round 1:
Instead of providing a clue, I will begin by offering the names of #21-#30 in alphabetical order. At this point, participants will submit what they believe to be the most likely order.

For every correct guess, the participants receives 5 points. For every guess that is off by 1, the participant receives 3 points. For every guess that is off by 2, the participant receives 1 point.

For ties, participants receive 4 points for guessing within range and 2 points for missing the range by 1. (No points awarded for missing range by 2.)

Round 2:
When the first round of guessing is complete, I will reveal #11-#20 in the same fashion. However, the point values double.

Round 3 (Final Round):
Again, I will reveal #1-#10 in alphabetical order. The point values do not double again, but increase by the same increment.

Please PM me your list of the top 20 people you would like to see sit the IT. I will compile them & assuming we have enough lists will start the game on November 9th, 2014 at 11 AM EST

Good luck! :cheers:

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Thanks Lyanna for hosting!

Well of course I'd want people like Joffrey or Euron to sit the IT because that just makes for a more exciting series, plus I don't have to actually live in Westeros.

Buuuut in the spirit of the game I'll try and actually think of a list of people whom I'd think would make the world better, as opposed to a more entertaining book series.

- No magical creatures of any kind - so no giants, no CotF only people.

Well shit, there goes Wun Weg Wun Dar Wun, first of his name and king of all the giants, Andals and First men. This list will be tougher than I thought.

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It tough! I've got about 6 names.. I'm about to start just putting some names down... lol


That's more or less what I did for places 11 to 20... took the first people I could find which are neither totally politically incompetent nor jerks... :blushing:

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