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Lucifer - tv series


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I honestly didn't even know they were making this series. This trailer is the first I've heard of it.

Initial impressions:

Purely on it's own merits, it looks kind of interesting. Like, I probably wouldn't watch the premier but I'd at least keep my ears open to find out if it was any good then maybe catch it later.


That is not Neil Gaiman or Mike Carey's Lucifer. Not even a little bit. The comic Lucifer is imperious, arrogant and dismissive. This guy is cheeky, flippant and smarmy. Also, drawing out people's secret desires? Seeking to punish those who deserve it? A total 180 on the established character. It also looks like they're going for a totally new plot separate from the comics. None of these things are inherently bad in and of themselves but if you're going to use a different character in a different story then why even both with the "inspired by the character from Neil Gaiman" thing? Just make it a new IP and be done with it.

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